Even After a PhD, Passion for Medicine Still Strong... at 32!

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Dec 12, 2014
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Hello all, around 2013, at the age of 27 I was at a crossroads, by then, I had earned my masters in business to follow my undergraduate degree; do I continue on the PhD path or should I finally stop ignoring the beast within me and pursue what I always knew I needed to do: become a medical doctor?!

Needless to say, I chose the easier path.. and although I hold a doctorate in business, and I'm in the minority of the population (less than 3%), I feel as empty as I did five years ago, and the beast within has grown even stronger.

So here I am, 32 years of age, a mountain of student debt, and I'm back on this site to read your threads to try and make sense of my feelings, my needs... my beast.

The thought of continuing to do something other than medicine drives me insane. SO naturally, I need to face the truth, and do what -I feel to my core- I was put on this planet to do: practice medicine.

Few additional background information:
I have basically no science classes under my belt; so all prerequisites are needed.
While my masters and PhD GPAs were north of 3.6; my undergraduate GPA was slightly below 3.0.
I have over a 1,000 volunteer hours, although none are medicine related.

Lingering questions:
Are graduate GPAs considered by enrollment committees? If not, would finishing the prerequisites with A(s) be sufficient to raise the GPA? What's a realistic GPA goal and how do I properly calculate what matters?
Where should I take the prerequisites? Are community college credits accepted?
Should I enroll in a post-bac program (costs more and less flexible) or should I simply start taking the required courses however I'm able to?

Thank you all for reading, and thank you most for the encouragement that your stories are giving me; while I'm embarrassed to discuss this plan with friends and family, with the fear of being called insane, reading of similar experiences and "adventures" are keeping my dream alive, and it is so encouraging.

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Hello all, around 2013, at the age of 27 I was at a crossroads, by then, I had earned my masters in business to follow my undergraduate degree; do I continue on the PhD path or should I finally stop ignoring the beast within me and pursue what I always knew I needed to do: become a medical doctor?!

Needless to say, I chose the easier path.. and although I hold a doctorate in business, and I'm in the minority of the population (less than 3%), I feel as empty as I did five years ago, and the beast within has grown even stronger.

So here I am, 32 years of age, a mountain of student debt, and I'm back on this site to read your threads to try and make sense of my feelings, my needs... my beast.

The thought of continuing to do something other than medicine drives me insane. SO naturally, I need to face the truth, and do what -I feel to my core- I was put on this planet to do: practice medicine.

Few additional background information:
I have basically no science classes under my belt; so all prerequisites are needed.
While my masters and PhD GPAs were north of 3.6; my undergraduate GPA was slightly below 3.0.
I have over a 1,000 volunteer hours, although none are medicine related.

Lingering questions:
Are graduate GPAs considered by enrollment committees? If not, would finishing the prerequisites with A(s) be sufficient to raise the GPA? What's a realistic GPA goal and how do I properly calculate what matters?
Where should I take the prerequisites? Are community college credits accepted?
Should I enroll in a post-bac program (costs more and less flexible) or should I simply start taking the required courses however I'm able to?

Thank you all for reading, and thank you most for the encouragement that your stories are giving me; while I'm embarrassed to discuss this plan with friends and family, with the fear of being called insane, reading of similar experiences and "adventures" are keeping my dream alive, and it is so encouraging.
I suggest a post-bac program for career changers.

Where's @aldol16 when you need him????
Hello all, around 2013, at the age of 27 I was at a crossroads, by then, I had earned my masters in business to follow my undergraduate degree; do I continue on the PhD path or should I finally stop ignoring the beast within me and pursue what I always knew I needed to do: become a medical doctor?!

Needless to say, I chose the easier path.. and although I hold a doctorate in business, and I'm in the minority of the population (less than 3%), I feel as empty as I did five years ago, and the beast within has grown even stronger.

So here I am, 32 years of age, a mountain of student debt, and I'm back on this site to read your threads to try and make sense of my feelings, my needs... my beast.

The thought of continuing to do something other than medicine drives me insane. SO naturally, I need to face the truth, and do what -I feel to my core- I was put on this planet to do: practice medicine.

Few additional background information:
I have basically no science classes under my belt; so all prerequisites are needed.
While my masters and PhD GPAs were north of 3.6; my undergraduate GPA was slightly below 3.0.
I have over a 1,000 volunteer hours, although none are medicine related.

Lingering questions:
Are graduate GPAs considered by enrollment committees? If not, would finishing the prerequisites with A(s) be sufficient to raise the GPA? What's a realistic GPA goal and how do I properly calculate what matters?
Where should I take the prerequisites? Are community college credits accepted?
Should I enroll in a post-bac program (costs more and less flexible) or should I simply start taking the required courses however I'm able to?

Thank you all for reading, and thank you most for the encouragement that your stories are giving me; while I'm embarrassed to discuss this plan with friends and family, with the fear of being called insane, reading of similar experiences and "adventures" are keeping my dream alive, and it is so encouraging.

How much debt are we talking about?

Also, why do you think you want to become a doctor?
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How much debt are we talking about?

Also, why do you think you want to become a doctor?
Yeah, if it's a beast inside you, why did you decide to continue down the PhD in business route? I would try some shadowing too and see if it's a good decision for you, especially since you put all this time, effort, and money into something you never really liked.
Just make sure not to write your med school essays this dramatically 😛

But in all seriousness get some exposure first and make sure you would actually like it, then try and do a post bacc program to get all your science classes.