Facing a Repeat of the Entire Year

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Aug 23, 2018
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Unfortunately, if I repeat the entire D1 year I won't be eligible for the financial aid since the rest of the credits I've received will count as attempted. I informed the school through my appeal letter that my family falls under low-income criteria and that I won't be able to afford the tuition out of pocket, halting my pursuit of the dream. I provided thought-out plans for the gap year and my future and studying habits and time management.

My letter of appeal for the committee's decision is under review. Worst case scenario, if I do have to repeat the whole year, how would I be able to finance this?

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You need to talk to your financial aid people, if you're being forced to take the year over, you should be able to take out more loans. Next to no one is able to afford dental school out of pocket.
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Talk to your financial advisor, he or she would know what to do. Personally, I would send the appeal letter to financial aid because only they can provide you the loans that you need. Look into other loan service as well, I am not sure how expensive is your school but if you have great credit then it would not be a problem.