Failing out of dental school

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What is the biggest reason for students failing out of dental school? I've heard some kids are very sloppy with their hands and fail the labs. When do you start doing labs? I would hate to fail out of dental school and be in debt.

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dboy said:
What is the biggest reason for students failing out of dental school? I've heard some kids are very sloppy with their hands and fail the labs. When do you start doing labs? I would hate to fail out of dental school and be in debt.

I would say the biggest reason is just students not keeping up with the work - wether it is the lab work or academic work or both. The work load is large step up from college and some students dig themselves holes they can't get out of. Yes, some students are not good with their hands - in fact most of us are terrible at first. But with discipline and practice you improve. You may not be good with your hands at first but as long as you practice while in school you will learn the correct techniques. Some people have a natural ability with their hands and finish labs early while others need to spend a lot of extra time after hours to improve their skills. Yes some may fail out because their skills in the lab are not good, but essentially its because they did not put in the time they needed to learn the skills. If you're a predent and somewhat worried about this part of school, I would suggest taking an art class or build models or something that helps develop your manual dexterity - plus this always looks good on your application.
If the lack in handwork skills is what u fear may cause you to fail or u want to be among those who do better than a "good enough" job in the lab component, I highly recommend a sculpture class. Yes, more then pottery, and drawing. It has helped me alot. In that class u learn the concept of "profiles". That concept helps soooo much in making 3 dimentional molds, teeth, casting ect..
How to hold tools not only properly but very effectively also comes in handy.
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Does anyone know the drop-out rate for dental students
I've never known anybody to drop out but several over the years have been kicked out or held back for academics at my school.
What is the biggest reason for students failing out of dental school? I've heard some kids are very sloppy with their hands and fail the labs. When do you start doing labs? I would hate to fail out of dental school and be in debt.

the biggest reason is from being overwhelmed.

In my first week of dental school we got 400 pages of lecture notes and over 400 pages of assigned reading which was not even close to the lectures.

On top of that, 21 hours in labs each week make us quite tired.
the biggest reason is from being overwhelmed.

In my first week of dental school we got 400 pages of lecture notes and over 400 pages of assigned reading which was not even close to the lectures.

On top of that, 21 hours in labs each week make us quite tired.

400 pages of lecture notes over 3 months? (i.e. ~4.5 pages per day?)
400 pages of lecture notes over 3 months? (i.e. ~4.5 pages per day?)
I have a hunch they're talking about lecture transcriptions, which aren't always especially helpful by themselves. It sounds like the poster is having trouble sifting through the piles of junk to find the relevant information.
They realize they hate it (this can occur at any stage of the game).
They give up because they're tired of working that hard.
They have personal problems that overshadow everything.

Very, very rarely do people give it their absolutely ALL, day in and day out, and fail out. In my experience at my school, the people who drop out or fail out are either lazy or realize it's not for them. We had 5 fail/drop out/got held back a year in my class over the years...I think that sounds pretty standard.

It's very do-able - provided you work your arse off.