FAP going AD in 6 weeks

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Crimping For Life
10+ Year Member
Jan 13, 2009
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I'm about to start AD in July as a 60W (psychiatrist). I'll be a O-3 with less than 2 years because I am assuming (from reading other threads) I will not be given any prior service for residency or fellowship (7 years in all). Can anyone break down what my pay will look like when I finally get a pay check? Seriously, this question is like pulling teeth out of HRC. So, are getting orders...as of today I still have NO orders.

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You'll get base pay, which you can find at the DFAS website. This is based upon rank and time in service (active duty): https://www.dfas.mil/militarymembers/payentitlements/military-pay-charts.html
You'll get BAH/BAS, which you can find here: BAH Calculator and https://militarybenefits.info/2018-bas-basic-allowance-for-subsistence-rates/

Your base pay and bonuses are taxable. Your BAH and BAS is NOT. If you PCS to AK, HI, or somewhere outside of the continental US, then you get COLA. But it's not worth going in to unless that is the case.

Then you have your bonses. Those have changed in just the last year. Unfortunately someone else is going to have to answer that because it isn't the way it was when I was in.
HRC doesn't answer your questions because they want you to look it up as above and do a calculation.
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I've got 35 problems on my desk right now and 33 of them are because HRC either refuses to do it's job, or does it so incompetently that another office is forced to do it for them (think Tom Saywer painting the fence). The latest is a case of someone who got thrown out of medical school in 2011, had an obligation not only for HPSP but for USMA, and now M&RA wants an updated recommendation on if we should make him pay back the 9 years on active duty, or reimburse the government. Seven years and HRC could not call this one to active duty... This is on top of MULTIPLE cases of them not issuing appointment orders for new students who are trying to go to DCC, fowling up security clearances, can't enter the students into DEERS so they can get a CAC, and don't get me started about ADT orders being just plain wrong.

Ok pass the crackers to go with my whine
You should be able to get O-4 within the year. 6 years post Med school = o-4. Look on Mccareers.org - there is a waiver form that your OIC needs to sign For you once you check in. Technically you are supposed to be active duty at least 1 yr before promotion, but this waiver is the get around.
Let me clarify: I already did the calculations for BAH, O3 pay, BAS. I need to know about the IP at this time. Thanks!
HRC doesn't answer your questions because they want you to look it up as above and do a calculation.
Haha. Yeah, no I'm smarter than that. I already did that. I want to know about IP which HRC should know about and can't seem to clarify or get me orders.
Honestly, I would bet my last dollar that they aren't answering you because no one really knows the answer off the top of their head anymore. This is because things have changed (relatively) recently, and from my understanding it's been a $#!tshow in many places, and so while there are definitely people at HRC that know the answer, they aren't the ones answering the phone. And I promise you they're too lazy to look it up for you. Get used to that kind of attitude, because that is the absolute status quo in the military.
Haha. Yeah, no I'm smarter than that. I already did that. I want to know about IP which HRC should know about and can't seem to clarify or get me orders.
Mr Marin at special pays. Find the navy special pays website, there is a generic sounding email. Write attn to Mr Marin and he will reply. He is very good in my experience.
Mr Marin at special pays. Find the navy special pays website, there is a generic sounding email. Write attn to Mr Marin and he will reply. He is very good in my experience.

That would help if OP wasn’t Army. (See reference to HRC and 60W, those aren’t Navy vernacular 🙂 )

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