feeling down

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20+ Year Member
Mar 25, 2003
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this mcat studying is really getting me down. i'm having such a hard time sitting down and studying. it's taking me forever just to read a chapter of a review book...i don't even have enough time to do passages of the same section the same day...i'm getting really depressed...and i have to take it in august since i'm applying this year...

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too early to be hardcore studying. you'll forget the stuff come august. for me, 2 months was perfect
oh ****, the aug mcat is coming up fast. you best be workin your tail off.
Yeah, I think a poignant memory is when I was talking to a few surgical residents who told me to not be a doctor regardless of how much I love it. It's a tough, long haul. If you want it, go for it. Far less intelligent people have made it; you surely can.
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this mcat studying is really getting me down. i'm having such a hard time sitting down and studying. it's taking me forever just to read a chapter of a review book...i don't even have enough time to do passages of the same section the same day...i'm getting really depressed...and i have to take it in august since i'm applying this year...

Lock yourself in the library. Seriously. Get some coffee, brings some food, workout before you go, and just sit there in the stacks and study. Do this religiously. Sit in the same seat every time. It will become a habit and a place you go only to study for the MCAT.

Treat it like a job. Punch in, punch out. It's not that bad this way.
Yeah, I know what you mean!! I work in a very stressful job as a nurse & then have to come home everyday & study for this damn thing. I finished reading the bio section in the Kaplan book but that's it. Keep on pushin through it!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with freaker; you gotta just do it.

Perhaps the most peculiar thing about talking with all the MDs that I've spoken with (50 or 60 maybe?) about medical school/becoming a physician is that NOT ONE said you had to be intelligent - but most said you had to be determined and/or hard working.

"when the going gets tough, ... "

Good luck with it.

I'm in the same boat as you somewhat
Although i have been able to study, I also feel down. But hey, doesn't everyone? Taking the MCAT is typically not a "fun"experience for anyone. We all have jobs, friends, etc that make it hard to study, but in the end you just have to bear with it and try your best.

Try not to regret ANYTHING that you do. Sure, we all make mistakes, and every one of us would go back and change something from the past.... but try not to think of any procrastinating you have done thus far and look at all the time left.

This brings me to another point.....pretty much everyone writing this test is nervous, etc. But as long as when you leave the test room on Aug 14th you know that you gave it your all, then you really have nothing to regret. Even if you get last place on the MCAT, at least you tried! I can speak fromk experience on this topic...I took the MCAT last aug and sucked.......but there were many positive things that came from the whole thing.... I managed to get a 4.0 GPA this year b/c of it....it motivated me, and made me realize how much I wanted to be a doctor.

In the end look at the MCAT as fate...... if you real;ly want to be a doctor you'll get up and keep trying at this test, right? If not, then deep down you probably didn't want it enough anyways.

All in all, just try your best and relax. Whatever happens, happens...... never look back, and never regret anything. Life is WAY too short to be stressed about this test! One of the saddest things I think I ever read was on this board when some ppl said that the ave SDNer has no friends..... that is such a sad thing! Friends mean so much to me, and without my friends I KNOW I wouldn't be where I am now.....