Final school list 516, 3.99 GPA

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Mar 5, 2019
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Hi guys!

I asked for help a couple of weeks ago; but I feel that I have my final list narrowed down. I am just looking for approval and/or any last minute suggestions:

I am a white male graduate of Brigham Young University in Utah. I have a 516 and 3.99 GPA. I have good EC's with a few years of service, clinical exposure (via employment as a CNA), and research (and a grant to go with it).

Here's what I think will be my final list:

University of Utah
University of Colorado
University of Southern California (Keck)
University of Arizona, phoenix
St. Louis
Ohio State
Indiana (no secondary fee and decent oos)
Mayo (both AZ and MN)
University of Florida (I lived in Florida for two years...not sure if this will help)
Mt. Sinai
U of Michigan
U of Vermont

These schools are ones that I would like to apply to but I'm pretty sure I'm cutting from the list:

Stony Brook
Boston University
Baylor University
George Washington
Loma Linda (I am not SDA, but I am religious and would love to study medicine in a religious setting)

In the end, my goal is to apply to 30 schools so I don't have to remove all of the schools from the second list. In fact, I only have to remove 4.

Any thoughts on my final list? Any thoughts on my second list (i.e. which ones I should or shouldn't reject) or any other random comments?

Thank you!

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You can remove U Florida since they accept few non residents. Nevada Reno also accepts few non residents.
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Hi guys!

I asked for help a couple of weeks ago; but I feel that I have my final list narrowed down. I am just looking for approval and/or any last minute suggestions:

I am a white male graduate of Brigham Young University in Utah. I have a 516 and 3.99 GPA. I have good EC's with a few years of service, clinical exposure (via employment as a CNA), and research (and a grant to go with it).

Here's what I think will be my final list:

University of Utah
University of Colorado
University of Southern California (Keck)
University of Arizona, phoenix
St. Louis
Ohio State
Indiana (no secondary fee and decent oos)
Mayo (both AZ and MN)
University of Florida (I lived in Florida for two years...not sure if this will help)
Mt. Sinai
U of Michigan
U of Vermont

These schools are ones that I would like to apply to but I'm pretty sure I'm cutting from the list:

Stony Brook
Boston University
Baylor University
George Washington
Loma Linda (I am not SDA, but I am religious and would love to study medicine in a religious setting)

In the end, my goal is to apply to 30 schools so I don't have to remove all of the schools from the second list. In fact, I only have to remove 4.

Any thoughts on my final list? Any thoughts on my second list (i.e. which ones I should or shouldn't reject) or any other random comments?

Thank you!

I would consider leaving Baylor on the list. From my experience on the Texas interview trail, Texas schools love students from BYU. I met no less than three or four BYU grads at each Texas school I interviewed at. Houston is a great city with a strong LDS community, so if you're looking to round out your list, Baylor wouldn't be a bad choice.
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Looking at your post history, it looks like you’re a reapplicant, correct?
It’s a long story. I took the Mcat August 10th of last year with no intention of applying until right now. However, when I got my score back in September, my advisor told me I should at least apply to the University of Utah (despite it being super late in the cycle) since I’m instate. So I got my application in to the U by October 10th or so and I got an interview but was then rejected in the middle of March.

So I am a reapplicant for the University of Utah, but no where else.
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