Finished Uworld, now what?

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5+ Year Member
Nov 8, 2017
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Hello everyone, I've recently completed Uworld. I've finished three passes and I've understood the basic concepts. My question is now that I've completed Uworld, what more can I do to increase my knowledge? I've completed First Aid, Pathoma, and some anki decks. I'm taking an NBME in a day or two, but I want to know what else I can do to supplement my knowledge?

I'm trying to aim for a 250 :x Any help would be appreciated!

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Take the day off, then take NBME and go over any weakness. Even though you’ve been through it 3x, I guarantee you’re not gettin 100% which means you can still improve (not meant to be derogatory)
Take the day off, then take NBME and go over any weakness. Even though you’ve been through it 3x, I guarantee you’re not gettin 100% which means you can still improve (not meant to be derogatory)

That's true, there's always more room for improvement. I'm just worried that the NBME might be vastly different compared to Uworld, and if I bomb it what then? Maybe this is just me overthinking a bunch of stuff. Thanks for the reply!
If you legitimately went through uworld 2wice then try sitting for the STEP asap. Uworld is the GOAT and you might start losing info if you continue to mash your brain with meaningless studying. I only got through half of uworld and had to sit for my step. I wish I had the time/work ethic to get through it twice. You'll kill it.

edit: take a practice NBME and see where you're at.
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If you legitimately went through uworld 2wice then try sitting for the STEP asap. Uworld is the GOAT and you might start losing info if you continue to mash your brain with meaningless studying. I only got through half of uworld and had to sit for my step. I wish I had the time/work ethic to get through it twice. You'll kill it.

edit: take a practice NBME and see where you're at.

I'lll definitely take an NBME and see where I'm at. Thanks for the encouragement too.This test seems insane.
Btw what have you heard about the experimental questions? Are they similar to the stuff Uworld teaches?
Don't worry about experimental.. Best advice I've heard is "for every question you have no idea on, or have never heard of; just chalk it up to an experimental question"

That person came out of the exam and said, " well there were a ton of experimental questions" lol but just to finish the story.. they passed 😉
Don't worry about experimental.. Best advice I've heard is "for every question you have no idea on, or have never heard of; just chalk it up to an experimental question"

That person came out of the exam and said, " well there were a ton of experimental questions" lol but just to finish the story.. they passed 😉

That's actually the best advice I've heard about that. I think losing your confidence answering questions like that always affects answering questions that you do know.
Do not listen to anyone who tells you to move your exam up because "you'll start forgetting things." That's a load of rubbish. If your memory of a fact or concept is so tenuous that you're liable to forget it any day now, then that just means you never learned it well enough in the first place. There's no such thing as over-preparing for this test. Take it when you're good and ready.
Do not listen to anyone who tells you to move your exam up because "you'll start forgetting things." That's a load of rubbish. If your memory of a fact or concept is so tenuous that you're liable to forget it any day now, then that just means you never learned it well enough in the first place. There's no such thing as over-preparing for this test. Take it when you're good and ready.

That's how I feel about this test as well. I think that once you really know your concepts it's definitely possible to answer atleast 85-90% of the questions. The rest is up to fate haha.