freshman year schedule questions

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Aug 2, 2017
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Hello, I'm going to be a freshman in the fall with the intention of being an IMS major, most likely pre-med. I just wanted some opinions on my schedule, because I have quite a bit of uncertainty regarding what classes to add, or which would be better to drop. I feel like I'm not doing enough, and my advisers aren't much help.

Currently, I have:
Chem 1 lecture
Chem 1 lab
Chem 1 Discussion
A theater class (this is a filler, I'm planning on dropping & replacing with something more relevant, I just don't know what yet!)

*(the chem and math classes are kind of a bundle, that comes with a colloquium class that's kind of like a study hall/lecture)

I'm planning on adding an English class during add/drop week. I was planning on taking biology, but my advisers had me take chem since it's full. I would LIKE to add a biology I, so I'm planning on showing up to class on the first day in an attempt to take someone's spot who was dropped, fingers crossed! I have 4 classes right now, but would like to be taking 5. So, I have to add 2 more.

Can anyone offer any advice on classes I can take instead of the elective, or any reassurance that I won't be behind due to my possible lack of biology?

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Hello, I'm going to be a freshman in the fall with the intention of being an IMS major, most likely pre-med. I just wanted some opinions on my schedule, because I have quite a bit of uncertainty regarding what classes to add, or which would be better to drop. I feel like I'm not doing enough, and my advisers aren't much help.

Currently, I have:
Chem 1 lecture
Chem 1 lab
Chem 1 Discussion
A theater class (this is a filler, I'm planning on dropping & replacing with something more relevant, I just don't know what yet!)

*(the chem and math classes are kind of a bundle, that comes with a colloquium class that's kind of like a study hall/lecture)

I'm planning on adding an English class during add/drop week. I was planning on taking biology, but my advisers had me take chem since it's full. I would LIKE to add a biology I, so I'm planning on showing up to class on the first day in an attempt to take someone's spot who was dropped, fingers crossed! I have 4 classes right now, but would like to be taking 5. So, I have to add 2 more.

Can anyone offer any advice on classes I can take instead of the elective, or any reassurance that I won't be behind due to my possible lack of biology?
Spanish? Or Physics I+Lab if you can't get into Bio I (though I do think you have a good strategy. Keep checking frequently for the three days after the class begins and there's a high likelihood a spot will open up).
Spanish? Or Physics I+Lab if you can't get into Bio I (though I do think you have a good strategy. Keep checking frequently for the three days after the class begins and there's a high likelihood a spot will open up).
I have actually been considering taking physics! I've just have little background in the subject so my only concern is that the courseload will be too much
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You have plenty of time to take bio/physics. Starting your chemistry and a math course looks perfect. Consider adding some GE requirements like English or an elective( American lit government etc etc) 15 credits should be plenty.
You have plenty of time to take bio/physics. Starting your chemistry and a math course looks perfect. Consider adding some GE requirements like English or an elective( American lit government etc etc) 15 credits should be plenty.
Thanks for the advice!! I absolutely need 15 credits, because that's the requirement for the scholarship I have and I didn't know which classes were worth taking. I'll check out some more gen eds!
Don't overload on science classes first semester. Come in do great your first semester and then add to your science load.
Think about adding a psychology or sociology. Intro neuroscience and statistics classes are usually pretty easy as well.
Think about adding a psychology or sociology. Intro neuroscience and statistics classes are usually pretty easy as well.
I'm leaning towards dropping colloquium and taking a different class for 3 credits to make 15, so I'll definitely consider an easier psych class!