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2+ Year Member
Nov 23, 2018
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Hi! I just graduated college, I ended with a cGPA of 3.36 and sGpa of 3.2
Now I know my stats aren't amazing, but I would rather focus on the mcat so that's why I didn't really consider doing a PostBacc since I know I am the type of student who can't do classes and mcat prep all the same time, would rather give 120% to something then 50%. However, I know that doing a PostBacc can be beneficial in some ways, so if its a better then doing med scribe part time over the next year while studying for the mcat then it might be the way to go.
I want to work in a hospital setting hence why I applied to med scribe and it is more to learn. I have over 500+ hours of clinical and volunteer, I have very strong leadership in my EC from being president and director of the clubs. I have strong LORs. My grades are lacking and that is just poor study habits that I learned eventually how to fix.
So my question is, would it be better to do a PostBacc or is med scribe and then study full time for the mcat so I can do really well on it the better route? Is there something else I should consider? Thank you so much!
I also will apply MD and DO, along with the Caribbean if need be but I want to stay in America. So what can I do? I also did graduate a year early, and that was only because of some personal family reasons there was no way around it, but I'm fine I know there are routes I can take to reach this dream I just need some advice to get there. Thanks again.

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From what I've seen it seems like you should do a postbac 1-2 years taking higher level science (physio, genetics, etc.) courses to show you can handle the course-work (3.7+ hopefully closer to all A's in these) if you want a chance at MD. Or study now, kill the MCAT and apply DO which would take less time. Nothing wrong at all with applying DO unless you are interested in the more competitive specialties. Don't apply carribean. If you have questions as to why its a bad idea just search the forum.