Getting into dental school without a bachelors degree.

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Sep 20, 2019
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For individuals whom were accepted into dental school without a bachelors degree. What path did you take? A little about me, I’ve been In the dental field for 23 years as a Registered Dental Assistant & advanced to Dental Practice Administrator. Now I’m at the University Of Phoenix going for my bachelors in Health Administration but my goal is to become a Dentist & to run my own practice. From looking at the feeds the University Of Phoenix is not the way to go to get accepted at a dental school since it’s curriculum is online. So I wanted to take all of my science prerequisites at a University of Texas Austin & apply for dental school.

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You sound similar to me. I was a dental assistant for 15 years then decided to go back to school and try for a DDS. I already had my BA from 15 years earlier, but I had to take/retake all the prerequisites (except physics) since everything was so old. I took some of my classes at a community college (GC 1 & 2, Bio, Micro, Anatomy) I was told by the admissions board that I needed to take OChem 1 & 2 and Biochem at a university. Looking back it would have been better to take Micro and Anatomy at a university too even though even though I don't recall if they were a prereq or not. It took 4 tries at the DAT and 3 application cycles before I got in. Truth is it's harder to get good grade the older you get. I have to study 3 times as much only to do half as well as students in their 20's. I'm a DS2 and love every minute of it. Since I'm very non-traditional I know I won't be living in a mansion or driving a Porsche. I'll have to work hard to get my debts paid off before I retire. People who don't know me think I'm crazy for going back to school. But friends and family think it's great I did.
I personally would not take any classes online. From talking to different admissions boards, some weren't very happy about the community college route and I'm sure they would be less happy about online. I know a university is more expensive but you'll have better odds of getting accepted. One plus you have is the dental experience. I didn't have anyone question my desire to be in the dental field. They knew that I knew what was expected of me and what to expect in school.
Good Luck
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You sound similar to me. I was a dental assistant for 15 years then decided to go back to school and try for a DDS. I already had my BA from 15 years earlier, but I had to take/retake all the prerequisites (except physics) since everything was so old. I took some of my classes at a community college (GC 1 & 2, Bio, Micro, Anatomy) I was told by the admissions board that I needed to take OChem 1 & 2 and Biochem at a university. Looking back it would have been better to take Micro and Anatomy at a university too even though even though I don't recall if they were a prereq or not. It took 4 tries at the DAT and 3 application cycles before I got in. Truth is it's harder to get good grade the older you get. I have to study 3 times as much only to do half as well as students in their 20's. I'm a DS2 and love every minute of it. Since I'm very non-traditional I know I won't be living in a mansion or driving a Porsche. I'll have to work hard to get my debts paid off before I retire. People who don't know me think I'm crazy for going back to school. But friends and family think it's great I did.
I personally would not take any classes online. From talking to different admissions boards, some weren't very happy about the community college route and I'm sure they would be less happy about online. I know a university is more expensive but you'll have better odds of getting accepted. One plus you have is the dental experience. I didn't have anyone question my desire to be in the dental field. They knew that I knew what was expected of me and what to expect in school.
Good Luck
Yes we do sound similar, I also had credits from a previous university years earlier that I couldn’t use due to they were over 10 years old so I’m currently retaking all science courses. Your feedback helped me a lot, now I most definitely know to take all dental prerequisites inside of a university. I can wait to call my academic advisor Monday to change my schedule. Thank you very much & good luck in dental school, I’m coming behind you! :)
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