Getting off waitlist after starting at another school?

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Nov 25, 2013
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I currently hold an acceptance at one school, and I was recently waitlisted at my top choice. However, this is what I'm worried about: the school where I was accepted starts classes three weeks earlier than my top choice school, and it is possible that I could get off the waitlist up until their orientation (after I will have already started class at the other school). Can you still get accepted off a waitlist if you have already matriculated somewhere else? I know this is not allowed with MD schools but does anyone know what the rule is for DO schools? Thanks!

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I don't see why not. It'd be a unique situation, but maybe? As long as they will not charge you your tuition you could do it.
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I don't see why not. It'd be a unique situation, but maybe? As long as they will not charge you your tuition you could do it.

Don't you have to pay for tuition before class starts?
Yeah it's technically due by registration. They do mention a late payment fee though, so as long as I could be absolutely sure that they wouldn't kick me out for not paying on time, I'd probably just pay the late fee and hold out for that waitlist for a week or two. I actually just found an older thread mentioning that a couple people did change schools after getting off a waitlist, so I guess it's not impossible.
Don't you have to pay for tuition before class starts?
Some schools will refund 100% of your tuition paid if you leave the school within the first week.
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It happened to one of my classmates. He got off the wait list at our school 3 days after class already started. Definitely look at the school policy but I know it has happened before. 3 days is way different than 3 weeks...
I'll be sure to check with the school about their specific policies. Thanks for the responses!
I know for a fact that LECOM will get you a refund if you bail out after the first week to go to another school. My friend did this, you just have to talk to the Dean
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that my school has lost some students on day 1-2 of the first semester when those kids got accepted into an MD school.

I currently hold an acceptance at one school, and I was recently waitlisted at my top choice. However, this is what I'm worried about: the school where I was accepted starts classes three weeks earlier than my top choice school, and it is possible that I could get off the waitlist up until their orientation (after I will have already started class at the other school). Can you still get accepted off a waitlist if you have already matriculated somewhere else? I know this is not allowed with MD schools but does anyone know what the rule is for DO schools? Thanks!
That would be such a hassle to have to relocate...give up any potential lease's for housing etc.
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