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In a perpetual state of wanting pizza
7+ Year Member
Jan 19, 2016
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So... I got my GRE scores back, and I'm trying to understand them, so I guess I'm just curious, what is a "competitive" GRE score? I'm trying to see if I need to retake them- and most of the vet admissions websites are vague about their scores.

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I was able to find accepted student stats for my target schools. As long as my score was as high as or higher than the average, I felt safe.

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I went to the schools' websites.

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I agree - as long as you're at or above average, I feel like you're pretty safe. Of course it depends on the rest of your application as well!
Okay.. I just checked NCSU (my dream school OOS) and it just says "Competitive applicants submit scores that meet or exceed the 50th percentile."

Which doesn't really mean anything because I got a 152 (54%) and 154 (56%) on verbal and quantitative and a 4.5 on analytical (80%).

So verbal and quant are probably still pretty low, right?

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Yeah, I was slightly over the average and was just fine. Your writing is good. And your verbal and quantitative seems to be at the average.
If the rest of your application is strong, you should be fine. It's more important to have a stellar GRE when something else is too low. Even then, I don't know how much a GRE score can make up for something else.

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Okay.. I just checked NCSU (my dream school OOS) and it just says "Competitive applicants submit scores that meet or exceed the 50th percentile."

Which doesn't really mean anything because I got a 152 and 154 on verbal and quantitative (somewhere in the 54-56%) and a 4.5 on analytical (80%).

So verbal and quant are probably still pretty low, right?

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You want those to be as high as possible (and your Q score is a bit more important), but those aren't terrible. I had a 158V/154Q and got in after my second try (my grades were average). If you do want to retake it, try to do a study book. I would tell someone who got below a 150 in either section to retake it. Just know that your most of fellow applicants will be around the same scores or higher.

I did retake it and got the same scores, but I didn't prep either time. My first attempt was extremely rushed because my family had a last minute thing I was worried about missing...oh well.
Yeah I think I'm going to retake it this summer when I have more time to study. When I scheduled my GRE, my syllabuses had said that it would be an easy week, but really all hell broke loose and I had 3 papers, 2 tests, and a group project. So maybe once I'm not stressed about school, and actually have time to prep, I'll do better!

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Those were relatively my GRE scores and I had a 3.62 undergrad GPA. I will say I was rejected from NCSU but I didn't have extensive large animal experience when I applied. I tailored my experience more to what I wanted to do so my bad but on my 3rd cycle I got into the U of I. If your other aspects of your application are good, then don't stress too much about GRE. I took it twice, studied way more for the second, and barely changed my scores and I still got in.
GRE can certainly make up for places where you're lacking. My prereq GPA was like 3.7 according to my IS (which is actually below average for them o_O) and my GRE score was 300 flat, 148 Q/152 V/4 AW which is super duper average. I was waitlisted IS, where interviews don't make up a huge percentage of the evaluation, but accepted OOS. If GRE is a sore spot, definitely apply strategically. And STUDY!!
For those who got interviews at schools with low GRE scores (either average or below average), how do you explain this in the interview?

I don't really have a valid reason other than they suck. :p
For those who got interviews at schools with low GRE scores (either average or below average), how do you explain this in the interview?

I don't really have a valid reason other than they suck. :p
During my UTK interview, they never even mentioned my grades. At that point they were more interested in me as a person, not me as a student so much. I don't know if this applies to every school, though.

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The general consensus from the schools I was applying to back in the day was 70th percentile and up would get you in a position where you've checked off that box of "yup you dun fine."

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For those who got interviews at schools with low GRE scores (either average or below average), how do you explain this in the interview?

I don't really have a valid reason other than they suck. :p

My grades or GRE were never mentioned at either of my interviews. I only applied to 2 schools in the US though.