Governors State University

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Morgan L.

7+ Year Member
Oct 29, 2014
Reaction score
Wanted to start a new thread for anyone who applied to Governors State Univerity in Chicago for the fall 2016 cycle. Supposed to be hearing back by November 25th for interview. Don't think I have a good shot being out of state.

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Have you tried emailing Dr. Diers??
No, I didn't want to pester anyone until after November 25th and it's only a week away now so I figured I'd wait but was more so interested in if anyone else had heard anything already?
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No, I didn't want to pester anyone until after November 25th and it's only a week away now so I figured I'd wait but was more so interested in if anyone else had heard anything already?
I know some people have heard back about rejections and interview
No, I didn't want to pester anyone until after November 25th and it's only a week away now so I figured I'd wait but was more so interested in if anyone else had heard anything already?

I received an email about a week ago for my interview invitation for Governors State University, so I would say to refresh your email or maybe check spam and junk mail! I know from the invitation, we had to confirm the interview date within 7 days, or else our spots can be given up to other students.
I would definitely check your email frequently or even email David Diers. I received my invite to an interview on the Nov. 13.
Interview dates are Dec 4 & Dec 10. So I am sure there are still spots open, especially if people didn't reply to their email within 7 days