GPA Enhancement??

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5+ Year Member
Apr 11, 2018
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Not sure if I should do a post bacc or masters or neither for MD
graduated from ucla, Molecular Bio major, applying 2022-2023
cGPA: 3.55
sGPA: 3.37 (AMCAS)
CA resident
big upward trend from junior to senior year

1200 clinical (400 unpaid, 800 paid)
2000 clinical research
80 humanities research
500 non clinical volunteering
Working student through college

I will be using 14-15 activities spots as of now. I think my ECs can only help my app, but I’m not sure if it’s enough to make up for the gpa.

Haven’t taken MCAT. Using gap year to study intensely to hopefully make up for my lower gpa. Not sure if i should do smp/masters/postbacc in addition to mcat studying. Help!! Is my gpa too low??

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You're fine for DO right now, but for MD, you may need either a DIY post-bac or SMP. What are your year by year GPAs? A single good senior year is not enough data points to show reinvention
A strong MCAT score will make MD possible, but it'll be easier with a post-bac or SMP. I'd personally recommend a post-bac but if you are willing to put in the time, effort, and money, then a SMP may be more worth it.

Kevin W, MCAT Tutor
Med School Tutors