Grade Change After Interview

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7+ Year Member
Nov 29, 2014
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I updated a bunch of schools with the final grades from my grad program and have since received an interview invite from one of the schools I updated. Recently, I was made aware that an "A" I received was meant to be recorded as a "B+": all of this AFTER I already sent my updates. Obviously I have no choice but to notify the school, but I'm wondering if this will negatively impact my chances at these schools. Insight is appreciated as always.

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How annoying... I'd mention it to the school who extended the II in the interview itself. To other schools who issue you IIs in the future, mention it in your interview acceptance communication.
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How annoying... I'd mention it to the school who extended the II in the interview itself. To other schools who issue you IIs in the future, mention it in your acceptance communication.

Very annoying/inconvenient :/ ... Why do you suggest waiting until acceptance?
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Yikes! I meant interview acceptance communication! Edited --

My gut feeling is it will matter almost nil and I wouldnt bothering to mention it. If you sent a grade update with some sort of transcript or documentation that had the A, then a clerical error on the school's part is really just that. Mention, dont mention, but dont worry about it. In the end no one will care one iota except you

Thanks guys! It's good to know that this wasn't as big of a deal as I was thinking.