has anyone done any cool abroad programs in their year off?

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Aug 9, 2002
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Just wondering if anyone had interesting, fun abroad experiences in their year off. I want to go to a spanish-speaking country, and wanted to try and live with a family there.

I'm just not sure how that works if you don't go through a program from your university (since i will have graduated)-- I'm a senior now, and a little bummed that I couldn't go abroad last spring (the mcat, eew ) -- I want to try and get a feel for the experience that undergrads get out of study abroad (i.e. not stressful)

let me know if you know of programs, or did one! (that i could do after i graduate this spring)--- oh and anyone know of how to possibly get funding for this?


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I totally want to do the same thing. I probably won't have the time. I'm trying to find someone to travel across Europe with me for a month or so this summer. Check out this website - I am still considering it, seems flexible, I've requested their brochure and it looks good....let me know what you think.
i spent a summer in a rural (no electricity, no running water)village in Ecuador. I lived with a family and taught in a village school. Nobody in the village spoke a word of English so i was completely immersed in the language and culture. The other people in my group and i were going to teach english but we ended up teaching math, geography, spanish reading comprehension...basically whatever we felt like or whatever the teacher wanted us to teach. We also took on secondary projects, basically whatever we felt the village needed. We ended up painting the school. I also taught a self defense class. And of course we got to do some travelling!

It's an amazing program. The program fee is a little steep, but well worth it. Just be ready to rough it quite a bit! Check out the website www.globalroutes.org
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I did one through my undergrad, but there were several people with our group who didn't actually go to my undergrad. Two of them even qualified for in-state tuition for the classes we were taking abroad because they were state residents. I just wanted to let you know about that sort of thing in case you hadn't considered it. Though I don't know if you qualify since you've graduated, I can't imagine that you'd be ineligable for an undergrad study abroad.
You may want to contact an embassy in the desired country to see if you can spend time in that country. I spent time in Europe, and the Embassy seemed to have tons of good contacts and info (things like support groups and welcoming groups for Americans coming over).
In answer to your question, I did some pretty cool stuff. I graduated in 1998 with a degree in occupational therapy, then worked for two years. I left for Portugal in 2000 to play on a pro roller hockey team. We only trained at night, leaving my days free. And the president of my club was a physiatrist!!!! So he gets me a job doing OT in his clinic in Portugal!! So I played for a year and change, doing OT all the while so my resume has no major gaps.
Easily the most meaningful experiences in my life. I knew no Portuguese (but did minor in Spanish; I'm nice in Portuguese now but cannot do Spanish, ironically). I saw the world in a brand new way and got experience that I could never imagine. Great conversation piece, too.
I cannot stress how much this helped me as a person. Absolutely do the overseas thing if you can...PM me if I can help.
Good luck in whatever you choose!
