Has anyone had schools request study abroad transcripts for secondaries?

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Oct 22, 2020
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Hey everyone, I studied abroad in junior spring at DIS Study Abroad in Copenhagen and took 5 classes, 4 science ones. In hindsight that might have been a bit too much, and I ended up getting B-'s and even a C- in one that I didn't receive credit for. The grades don't appear on my transcript, only the credits (including the Credit Not Received).

My question is, although I know they won't appear on AMCAS, does anyone know if schools can request those transcripts for secondaries? Does this look like a red flag, having B-/C's so late in college during junior year? Has anyone studied abroad and had schools request transcripts from those institutions?

Thank you!!

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I'm applying now and none of my schools ask for study abroad transcripts. I'd hope any ad comm would be smart enough to know better than to dig too deeply into students' academics during study abroad