Has anyone watched Chad's organic chem. videos before taking organic chemistry?

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10+ Year Member
Oct 28, 2012
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I ask because I'm tutoring someone who's already taken one year of general chemistry, and wants to self-study organic chemistry before taking organic next year. Would you recommend Chad videos for that purpose?

Also, does Chad start from the very beginning so that someone with no prior organic chemistry will understand what he's talking about?

FYI - Chad teaches both MCAT, and college OC. College OC is here: http://www.coursesaver.com/videos/category/2012-college-organic-chemistry-24/

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I'm watching his mcat Ochem videos right now and they're geared more for someone who had already taken the class, he does explain most things but I think it might be tough to self learn Ochem through his mcat Ochem videos. His regular lecture videos for Ochem will probably be pretty detailed just as If you were taking a class. I watched his gen chem videos while I was taking gen chem and they helped tremendously. Is this person your tutoring looking to learn the material for the mcat and trying to take it before actually taking the classes or just wanting to get a jump start on the material before class starts? I would recommend Ochem as a second language if they want a really concise but comprehensive take on Ochem. Used those books while taking the course and got As in both Ochem 1 and 2.
I'm watching his mcat Ochem videos right now and they're geared more for someone who had already taken the class, he does explain most things but I think it might be tough to self learn Ochem through his mcat Ochem videos. His regular lecture videos for Ochem will probably be pretty detailed just as If you were taking a class. I watched his gen chem videos while I was taking gen chem and they helped tremendously. Is this person your tutoring looking to learn the material for the mcat and trying to take it before actually taking the classes or just wanting to get a jump start on the material before class starts? I would recommend Ochem as a second language if they want a really concise but comprehensive take on Ochem. Used those books while taking the course and got As in both Ochem 1 and 2.

It's the scenario in bold. Thanks for the information.
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I am a Chad fan. His videos are pretty good for OChem (some are much better than others). I'd rate them, as a whole, as a 7.5/10.

I honestly found Freelance Teacher's orgo videos to be a lot better in regard to seeing material for the first time. He really starts from the beginning so that viewers can build solid foundations on tough aspects of orgo.

I wouldn't recommend having that person self-study too much. Not really necessary.
No, I would not for MCAT organic videos. MCAT organic and classroom organic can vary greatly. Look for free Lance teacher videos instead.