Help! Can't decide; UC Dublin/Glasgow/RVC?

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Jun 3, 2008
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I know everyone is posting these, so I appologize in advance, but I really am stuck!

I have been accepted to all of the above schools (UC Dublin, Glasgow, and RVC) and simply cannot decide. They are all overseas, obviously, and so would be I believe about the same cost-wise to travel home on breaks. They are all AVMA-accredited as well.

I have pros and cons for each school:
PROS = 4-year program (may cost less), have a friend who is going, bigger city(means more job opportunities for Hubby), higher salaries on average (again, good for Hubby)

CONS = New program (don't know how I feel about that yet), some PBL integrated (don't know how much, exactly, is PBL vs. lecture), higher cost of living on average

PROS = Have a couple friends who are going, beautiful countryside and campus, James Herriot went here (sorry couldn't resist) :D

CONS = Not as big a city (so not very good job opportunities for Hubby), public transport seems to take longer at times than in bigger cities, 5-year program (may cost more than 4-yr)

PROS = First english-speaking vet school with lots of history, was originally my first choice, staff seems to be pretty good at integrating the US-student-financial-business, I like a lot of things about their newer curriculum

CONS = 5-yr program (may be more expensive than 4-yr), higher cost of living on average, hard to find a good "dog-friendly" place (yes I am taking my pup), and some Londoners(Londonites?) seem to be not-so-American-friendly at times

I am desperately trying to see if I can take a visit before the end of the month to see if I can make up my mind, but since I am still waiting on my passport, I just don't know if it'll happen before my deposit(s) to hold a seat are due.
I have not ever visited any of these places.

Can any of you who have visited/heard anything about any of these schools/areas help me out???
I would reeeeally appreciate it. Any information is helpful. :D

Oh, P.S.- I think I'm leaning towards either London/Dublin.

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Hey pxystyx,

I know I have seen you on the Glasgow board as well as Dublin. I cant offer much insight into RVC but I can tell you why I chose Glasgow over Dublin. I absolutely love Dublin as a city, and I am part irish, so studying there would have been really fantastic. One problem with Dublin is that it is ridiculously expensive to live there. Even just food I found was crazy expensive when I visited in January. But the major problem I had is what you talked about above. Dublin was just accredited last March, but then on top of that, this new 4 year program is untried. I was most concerned about the NAVLE pass rate/the fact that because they haven't been accredited as long, they are still under pretty hard scrutiny. If they don't a certain pass rate, they will lose it/have to redeem it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED visiting there...the people were fantastic and the new facilities were amazing...I think I was the most worried about being a guinea pig!

I think Glasgow is bigger than you think too. It is one the most up and coming cities, and many companies are opening there. Also, perhaps the SO could look for jobs in Edinburgh as well. By train, it's like 45 mins-1 hour, so while it's a commute, it's not so bad...and it's the capital....just a thought:) When I visited there, the people were great, nice, friendly, helpful...everything I was looking for. Plus, the new high tech small animal hospital is opening this coming that's fun and exciting, no? Just putting in my two cents...I have heard great things about RVC as well...Good luck with your's quite a tough one to make!!

Also, PM me if you want to hear about my visits in detail too...i'd be happy to give you the inside scoop of the campuses :)