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gosh, i don't even know were to start.

total science-13-11.2%

i feel like a freakin bum...i ran out of time on all the sections except not gonna give anyone advice on how i studied; I don't want the same thing happening to you guys.

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DrTacoElf said:
I think its important to tell us what you did do so we can suggest how you can improve when you retake it :)

taco, the thing is, well, i studied my freakin butt off. I swear I did. Maybe I'm just too stupid. I finished spring quarter, and then took the whole summer off, and i was studying for 1 to 2 hours a day for the first month, and then anywere from 4 to 8 hours for the two months after that.

I went through the kaplan book; the review notes one. I thought I had that bastard memorized. I made like 700 flashcards, and kept them with me everywere. It seemed like all those little things you never thought would come on the test, all came at once. i was dazzled. I was cussing out kaplan the whole time in the freakin test.

i haven't started ochem yet; but i studied it from the kaplan book and thought i knew it. the pat, well i just filled in bull**** for the the end, front view crap; I have been trying to understand it for the last two weeks and just couldn't get the point.

i can't retake it, because my 3 months will be up AFTER the freakin deadline....december 1st. I wonder if they would let me retake it.
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i took three of them. and time never seemed to be a problem till i actually took the real thing. I was so surprised.

But you know something, i'll be honest with you; even if they gave me more time, i would have probbaly gotten like one or two more right, thats all. i was just clueless in the test. they were asking questions totlally different then topscore and the kaplan practice exams. i don't know what the hell happened, but i felt like a train ran over me at that prometric place.
well if it makes you feel any better I too had this feeling in the biology section. I ran into at least 10 questions where i was like where in the world did this come from. I had to dig deep into stuff I had previously learned for the mcat and from school to answer some of them.
phosphorylation said:
i took three of them. and time never seemed to be a problem till i actually took the real thing. I was so surprised.

But you know something, i'll be honest with you; even if they gave me more time, i would have probbaly gotten like one or two more right, thats all. i was just clueless in the test. they were asking questions totlally different then topscore and the kaplan practice exams. i don't know what the hell happened, but i felt like a train ran over me at that prometric place.

did you score well on the practise tests? sounds to me like you let your nerves get the better of you. next time bring a little stopwatch and maybe consider a bit of private tutoring for the DAT's. top right end is crazy hard I know..but if you make sure you nail hole punching,cubes and do your best on angles then you should be able to pull off a 17 on the pat which is fine.

bio is not is just tedious. sounds to me like maybe you glazed over certain concepts instead of making a concerted effort to understand them. anyone can pull a 17 or higher on bio in my just need to have an eye for detail and pretend like everything you read will be on the actual test. better luck next time man..
Contact some schools and see how late of a DAT they would accept. With NYU last year, Mrs. Knowles told me that I could take the DAT up until April if I wanted to retake it. Therefore, see if that rule still applies. If thats the case, you will have plenty of time to study for the test again and rock it.
I know how you feel. I studied my butt off for the whole summer and thought I knew that Kaplan book inside and out and ended up with a crappy 16AA/15 PAT. I too felt that I was just too stupid and wanted to quit everything and go be a trash picker or something (ok maybe not that extreme but you get my point). Anyways I just wanted to say that I know where you are coming from and all is not lost. Sure we will now be pretty late in the admissions process since we have to wait 90 days, but hopefully we'll get in! I'm trying to not get nervous the second time around but I know how much pressure is riding on this!

It'll be ok!
hey guys, thanks a lot.
i just don't know. i just feel that this whole thing might be the wrong direction i'm taking. I don't know what to think anymore. I've been browsing these forums for like a little bit over a year now; and i can't recall seeing anyone who got anywere near were i got. thats whats freaking me out. i feel like a totaly bum. all i need is one of those taco-bell cups and hit downtown and try to get me a couple of quarters for one of those 40 ounces.
rach, so you are planning on taking it again...? when?

i think i sort of did let my nerves get the best of me. but the thing is now i have no idea how the hell im gonna explain it to the adcoms. thats whats driving me nuts.

rezdawg, im gonna call NYU and see whats up with them. i hope your right. thanks for the heads up.

thanks again guys...

anybody got a quarter?
phos: don't give up man if this is what you want to do. evaluate what you did wrong the first time you took the dat. since you have experience the real dat already, use it to your benefit to know what to expect the next time. i have read a lot of your post on here and you have given many great advices to people. i hate to see you drop out of dentistry. what ever direction you choose to take, i wish you the best of luck
Dear Phosphorylation,

I am sorry to hear that you did not do as well as you expected. However, I was wondering how is your Science GPA? If you feel that you memorized during your college courses and you managed to pass your classes. The DAT test requires a real understanding of your science classes.

Perhaps you should plan on understanding rather than memorizing. I hope you won't give up. If you feel you really like the detnal practice you will make it. I know a lot of good dentist that they do not know nothing about the theoretical stuff but they are hell of good dentists. By the way, nobody asks a dentist about o-chem, g-chem or general biology.

Good Luck
Phospho -- I really think you could benefit from a private tutor. You definitely have the heart; I think if you have an ubiased perspective making sure you learn the material well and "in the right way", you could really knock the socks off the DAT. It seems in your case you thought you knew the material well, AND it's definitely possible you knew it well, but just processed it the wrong way. Maybe you paid too much attention to the wrong details. Plus, I'm certain your nerves got the best of you based on your previous posts. You seemed to be freaking out because you weren't happy with your topscore exams and doubting yourself. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, when you take the DAT, you need confidence. As soon as your confidence is shattered, you start doubting your answers and changing them.

So Phospho, take a breather. Luckily this isn't the end of the world, unless you let it be. You will knock it dead the next time around. Your passion is obvious. Go get 'em.
Phospho! Man, whatever you do just don't give up. Sometimes it's not just being very knowledgable in the subject, but it's having luck too. So I wish you goodluck man, and I'm not going to give you a quarter...but my hanzo sword, cuz I want you to slice it up on the next battle!
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hey guys, i just woke up. I think I can think a little bit more clearly know, and I can sort of put things into perspective.

I have been studying all summer long, and this is what pissed me off about this whole thing. I never studied this hard for something in my life. My cum GPA is 2.82 right now, and the science a little bit lower; so as you can see; I'm either stupid, or I never aim for the top; I always want to be average in school. I never did care about my GPA till a year ago when I started considering this whole thing. I guess I considered the DAT just like one of those other tests. You either pass it or you either fail it.

I studied a lot. Maybe around 200+, but as one poster asked; I never did good on my science courses. I memorized them and just passed them and never looked back again. I regret that deeply now. Everything from Kaplan was pretty new to me, and when I say I studied 3 months for it; I mean I started basically from scratch three months ago. Other posters study more then that with the advantage of actually knowing the material before hand, and then simply just regoing over it.

Seems to me I have two options. There are exactly two ways to look at this. My first option is to get really really depressed about this whole thing (which I am for some reason); and think I have no chance this cycle. My second option is to try to see how the heck I'm going to convince all 17 schools to just wait till december.

I know this might sound stupid; but I think I can pull it off. I've always been the average guy in highschool, mid 70's. I don't think it because I couldn't get higher; I just think some people are raised in an enviornment were they really don't care. Same in college. I'm always the average. I guess the DAT is sort of looking for something else.

I don't think it was a time constraint on the DAT today. I think I used that as an excuse because I had to rush the last 10 problems on the bio for example. But the thing is; your going through those 10 questions really quick; and you think to yourself; I don't even know it. I've heard of it; I've definately heard of it; but no, I can seem to remember what the heck it means. It seemed to me that all the questions I got the bio section were things I saw and over looked. All the questions that I did get right on that section by the way, were merely questions that were asking for information I didn't know, but happened to remember I read.

How many heard chambers does the annelid have? I'm not sure if it was the annelid or the frog. I knew I had accidentally read somewere that it was 3, but I didn't know why or anything like that. I was prepared for the big stuff; explain glycolysis, or the human circulation system. Give the names of all the hormones that are secreted by the anterior pituitary and the hormones that are stored and then released by the posterior one, etc. I know I had studied pretty hard for this dam thing, but I guess something went wrong.

Like I said, I guess the only reason I am angry is because for once in my life I had given it my best. My best wasn't good enough. I don't know whether I should be optimistic, or just cry. I spent countless hours at borders, starbucks. Gosh, I even know the emplyees by name, an everytime they see me they say something like "dam you study too much for this thing". Now I'm even ashamed to go get a coffee in the morning from there.

Alright. I'm going to shutup. I was thinking I owed you guys an explanation.

The test wasn't hard. I just went in with the wrong mentality (or the wrong sword justletmein). I don't feel like a bum anymore; but I'm so freakin depressed. I wanted to go out and drink with my friends; but I promised myself that I would never drink if I'm depressed. Theres no point in partying. I guess you get what you deserve.
Phospho - we all feel bad for you, and at the same time our advice is to NOT give up. Take this as a learning lesson. At least now you have a "feel" for what is like to take the DAT. Go back from the beginning and tackle this thing as if you were just starting. I think what helps the most is doing as many practice problems as you can. You then start seeing a pattern, then you will start recognizing what they are asking and you will be able to answer quickly and efficiently. I would get additional materials for biology. I actually had a couple of books that were very helpful in terms of taking practice tests (REA biology, 6 tests containing 120 questions each and the Princeton Biology AP review). I read both of them and tried to understand reasons when I would miss questions, this solidified my knowledge. Please don't misunderstand me, I didn't get stellar scores as I also found the DAT super challenging, but I'm telling you what worked for me. I also have a few old DAT tests and the questions there were helpful. I actually did SO many practice questions and I felt moreless prepared to answer questions based on the knowledge since the DAT requires you to apply your knowledge to stuff you haven't seen before (in some instances). Sorry to rumble, but at this point, you need to stay focused and formulate a "plan of attack" for the next time you take this puppy. Another thing that helped me tremendoulsy was that I inquired the help from my organic and gen chem teachers. They were so nice and willing to help. What I did is I print screened all those questions I missed in topscore and took all those questions and worked them out one by one and then I started realizing some concepts I was missing, and again, this helped me gain and solidify my knowledge.

At this point, there is not much you can do but look ahead. NO use to look behind, get your ducks in a row and start focusing on what you need to do to obtain better scores next time. Also, I'm hoping you are taking orgo now so that you will know it come test time. Sorry this was so long and good luck in the future!!
Phospho...Don't give up!! I know it's really frustrating right now, but you can't give up...not when you've wanted this so much and for so long. You were probably just nervous and maybe overthought a bit, and then when things seemed bad...well, it just went downhill. But it's okay, because things CAN get better. Look at all the people who think you can do it :thumbup: Go get 'em!
First off, try to relax. In the grand scheme of life, this is simply a hurdle that you have to cross. We all have them, just in different shapes and forms.

It may not be a bad idea to go back to a community college and retake all the bio, g chem, and o chem series. Two reasons:

1) It will help raise your GPA/sci GPA.

2) You would gain the foundations that you missed the first time around. I'm sure by the time you are done with those classes, taking the DAT will be a breeze. Meanwhile, I would keep practicing for the PAT and QR on a weekly basis. There have been studies done that good PAT score does not correlate with being a good dentist. However, the fact remains that you need to do well on the PAT to just get into dental school. So keep working at it!

If you are truely committed to pursuing a dental career, then don't give up! These may seem like some big steps to take, but in the long run it will pay off. You seem to be an intelligent and committed person, you just may need to somehow reevaluate your study habits. There is no such thing as "one" method that works for everyone. Every person has their own way of taking in the information, whether it be flash cards or highlighting with every color in the rainbow, discover what works for you.

Best wishes! :luck:
wimmcs, beachluvr, and eddie. I appreciate the feedback. I swear you guys made me feel a lot better about myself.

I've been thinking about this thing for the whole night now. It seems that my only problem at this point is whether the schools I applied to are willing to wait till december for another set of DAT scores. If they will, I was planning on taking just 5 quarter hours of classes this quarter and spend the rest of my time studying for the dat.

I'm going to start making phone calls tomorrow and see what happens.

Don't give up man,
It may seem tough now, but remember your looking at dentistry as a life long career, so don't quit now just because of a little setback. I mean imagine looking back 20 years from now when your stuck in a job you hate, wishing that you had the fortitude and foresight not to quit. It'll be too late by then.

Your AA scores are bad because I think you believed you could just memorize everything without understanding the real concepts. You keep mentioning how you carried your flashcards wherever you went, but flashcards are really not the way to get basic concepts down. They're just to help memorize little details. It seems like you were looking for shortcuts to prep for the DAT, when in reality you needed to reopen those college textbooks.

I can understand your AA scores being low if you don't understand the material, but if you really studied hard, your PAT score should not be a 12. That says you did not practice enough.

Eddie's advice of retaking all those science classes is best option, but I doubt you really want to do that. I suggest you get PR's Hyperlearning textbooks and really change your study habits and attitude towards life.

Stop with this "I've been average my whole life" crap. You said yourself, that you are capable of doing more, but you seem to be satisfied with being just average. Also, don't whine about how, "I did my best". I seriously doubt that a 14/12 is your best. I'm pretty sure you can get atleast 18/18.

Suck it up and retake all the science classes. I know I sound like a jerk, but its for your own good and best interest. If you got time and money, you can become dentist, no matter how long it takes.
I know of someone a few years back who also experienced a real melt down upon taking the DAT but still got a couple of interviews and an acceptance. That person had a 3.9 GPA, 10+ years of solid expanded duties dental assistant experience, and helped maintain a family. So, while not exactly your situation, it is anecdotal evidence that intelligent hard working folks can have a "bad DAT day."
Sprgrover said:
Hang in there, Phospho! Persistence and failure can't co-exist, and I have faith that you'll do much better the second time. :thumbup:

thank you sprgrover,

you told me a while back that you'll be waiting for me to post my scores...

im ashamed of my scores :oops:
Man phos, your starting to bring me down mate. AS my vp of the rejected losers club of america, I would expect a more optomistic outlook on the DAt.

Your gonna have to work hard phos! bottom line

talk to you later
hockeydentist said:
Man phos, your starting to bring me down mate. AS my vp of the rejected losers club of america, I would expect a more optomistic outlook on the DAt.

Your gonna have to work hard phos! bottom line

talk to you later

yep, you are right. i've been just sitting around here all day thinking to myself what the hell i wanna do. case called for my DAT scores today wondering whats up, they wanna know how I did. I told her i screwed up; and she said that she's willing to put a note on my file that tells them to review my file later, when I take the DAT again. I have till January or something. I still don't know if I wanna go through this cycle. I have too many rejection letters stacked up already. On the otherhand, I think i'll go through with this whole thing, and just not get my hopes up too much.

Tomorrows my first day of school so I have enough to worry about.

HD, you went through a lot of s h i t I remember. I wish you lived here in Columbus so we can sit and talk. I need so much advice.

I think whats pissing me off about this whole thing is being scared I'm not going to make it this cycle, and all my friends are. I shouldn't think of it that way I guess, but it gets to me every now and then knowing they'll come and visit me every now and then and they'll be ds1's.

DUDE! CHEERRRRRRR UPPPPPP!!!! It is not the end of the world....I feel the same way as you sometimes thinking of the WHAT IF'S...but you can't do that to yourself and live your life that way. You have made it through this far....don't give up. Never give up on your dreams.... look at how many people that haven't made it this far....and you have. How many people actually go to college? If I remember correctly, in General Chemistry 1, I had about 600 people in my class...then Gen Chem 2 about 500 people...then Ochem 1 about 400 people...then Ochem 2 about 200 people........and then there were people like all of us who stuck it out and made through those nasty cramming sessions and WAY harder than needs to be exams....
Think have already done the hardest part!!!!!!!!!
phosphorylation said:
i just don't know. i just feel that this whole thing might be the wrong direction i'm taking. I don't know what to think anymore. I've been browsing these forums for like a little bit over a year now; and i can't recall seeing anyone who got anywere near were i got. thats whats freaking me out.

i'm sure there are MANY other people that got similar scores and aren't willing to post their scores on SDN. that's why i have so much respect for you. all the advice above that people gave is great...i just wanted to add in another "don't give up!" cuz if this is what you really want to do then go for it! i know you really want to get in this cycle, but maybe you'll have to let that go (i would definitely still go for it though). we all have to make some sacrifices...i just started d-school and there are some rather old (about 40+ years old) people here so it's NEVER too late!!!
I failed out of college my first try, but I got back up brushed myself off went straight back into into it. Never give up.
Buddy, I don't even know you, but we are all like family....We are all in this together. We have to encourage and uplift one another and be encouraged ourselves. If this is what you really what, I know you are disappointed, but use that to fuel your efforts at doing better next time around.
At my school, Ohio State, the adcom recommends taking a engineering graphic course; which they say helps you prepare for the PAT section. I'm trying it this quarter. Classes just started for us today, but after a couple of weeks I can let you know if it helps or not.
Just keep the faith!!!!!
everything is going to be all right!

Case sounds like they are willing to hold off on reviewing your file. that is awfully nice, and there giving you till January. deadline for most is January.

What other schools are you looking. Did you apply to Marquette, NYU, Boston, meharry, howard. If your gpa rocks you have a shot.

Yah watching my friends getting in ahead of me pissed me off for a while. But then I realized, what the hell am I doing comparing my self to my friends. So what, they get out of dental school a year before me. In the end Its how you get your licensce that matters, not when you started dental school. Journey then is to get through dental school. I have couple of friends who are failing as if this moment, and there going to be placed on the 5 year plan at d-school. So it looks like I will be right on track with them. how bout them apples! gotta love that!

Will support you no matter what yah do phos, but just give up on the first bump in the road. don't get me wrong the DAT is Biatch. You're gonna be so happy when you can kick that Biatch to the curve. Not too late in the admission game. Were in end of September, way too damn early to give up now.

busdriver said:
i'm sure there are MANY other people that got similar scores and aren't willing to post their scores on SDN. that's why i have so much respect for you.

Fully agreed with bus...

busdriver said:
i just started d-school and there are some rather old (about 40+ years old) people here so it's NEVER too late!!!

My dental hygienist ( 38 years old) will start the Kaplan classes in January to apply for DS-2006. You have plenty of time?. I would agree with Eddie?s recommendations, about some college classes to emphasize your sci knowledge. . Don't give up ! ! !
Hey buddy, Keep your head up!!!! It's like they say in sports, "It's gut-check time!" You know this is what you want to do, now you just need to stick it out. It sounds like you have plenty of study time behind you, so now you can use that as your foundation. plan your work and work your plan. You can do it.

hockeydentist said:
everything is going to be all right!

Case sounds like they are willing to hold off on reviewing your file. that is awfully nice, and there giving you till January. deadline for most is January.

What other schools are you looking. Did you apply to Marquette, NYU, Boston, meharry, howard. If your gpa rocks you have a shot.

Yah watching my friends getting in ahead of me pissed me off for a while. But then I realized, what the hell am I doing comparing my self to my friends. So what, they get out of dental school a year before me. In the end Its how you get your licensce that matters, not when you started dental school. Journey then is to get through dental school. I have couple of friends who are failing as if this moment, and there going to be placed on the 5 year plan at d-school. So it looks like I will be right on track with them. how bout them apples! gotta love that!

Will support you no matter what yah do phos, but just give up on the first bump in the road. don't get me wrong the DAT is Biatch. You're gonna be so happy when you can kick that Biatch to the curve. Not too late in the admission game. Were in end of September, way too damn early to give up now.


thanks a lot HD ....I'm not gonna give up. I applied to all those schools, and another 25 of GPA doesn't rock, it just hit the 3.0 this quarter actually, so that why I'm scared. Most likely I won't get any interviews this cycle, but it sure made me put my priorities in perspective. I do believe I have a good background in science with all the studying I did for the dam test, and i'll try to use it to my advantage:)

anyways, im out for tonight. long day.


I'm thinking that you're just pulling our legs! Is this a joke? Now that you have our empathy, lets pull the curtains.
Yah-E said:

I'm thinking that you're just pulling our legs! Is this a joke? Now that you have our empathy, lets pull the curtains.

lol, a joke? you want me to scan my freakin report? the one they gave me at the testing center for you to believe me?

i didn't realise my scores were that low anyways. I wasn't looking for empathy either yah-e; all i did was post my scores and my experience just like everyone else.
Yah-E said:

I'm thinking that you're just pulling our legs! Is this a joke? Now that you have our empathy, lets pull the curtains.

Just out of curiosity, why do you think Phosphorylation would lie about his scores. If it was a joke he wouldn't have carried it this far, and you would be able to tell by his insincerity. I guess that post just didn't make any sense to me.

Yah-E said:

I'm thinking that you're just pulling our legs! Is this a joke? Now that you have our empathy, lets pull the curtains.

there you go yah-e

sorry its like really small, but SDN won't let me go over 100 kb and 400x400, i worked on it for like 30 minutes to get it in the wrote size and dimensions.


  • datscores.JPG
    19.7 KB · Views: 148
I'd say that's just about as official as you can get! As long as it wasn't passed to you by CBS.
dont give up
-study from different media (kaplan, topscore, videos, textbooks, practice tests, websites, flash cards, etc)
-Understand what you missed, like google for it not just say oh yeah thats right
-Make it your life for the next 3 months (fall asleep reading if you wake up in the middle of the night read when you wake up read).
-take notes (i probabely had 50+pages on bio, gc, ochem for each topic and add to it when you need to)
-Have other people ask u questions from your notes (even thoose that know nothing of the topic)
-and even when you are partying have your friends ask you questions and dont party too had try to be up by 8 or 9 everyday (even weekends) and start banging this sh(& out.

and dont cry my mother just lost her ENTIRE house and EVERYthing in it thanks to ivan, we live on pensacola bay. she was interviewed by CNN the other day; we just got power back at my grandmothers today. We are thankful we are all still alive. check out
jdcinza13 said:
Just out of curiosity, why do you think Phosphorylation would lie about his scores. If it was a joke he wouldn't have carried it this far, and you would be able to tell by his insincerity.



I thought that Phosphorylation lied about his scores for the following reasons:

1) all you see on SDN are usually ridiculous high DAT numbers, am I right or wrong? Now all of the sudden I see the lowest DAT scores EVER posted on SDN, I was a little suspicous. Haven't you read some funny posts where people post mock numbers to get reaction? I thought Phosphorylation was trying to lighten the moods around here.

2) Phosphorylation's DAT scores are extremely low! I personally simply have never seen those numbers before. Since they were so low, I felt that it was a joke!

Now onto what's important!


I appreciate you scanning your score report onto here, but that was unnecessary. If you told me that you weren't joking, then I would've believed you. As you are already aware, you will be retaking the DAT in the future. Try to use different studying methods, get tutors, get studying partners, do something different from how you studied the first time. I wasn't mocking you or trying to ridicule you, understand that, I was simply surprised to see such numbers on SDN, which is a bite of fresh air to honest with you. Unfortunately, it is at your expense that a break from the norm is experienced on here at SDN Dental Forums. Good luck and keep on truckin'!
Yah-E said:

I thought that Phosphorylation lied about his scores for the following reasons:

1) all you see on SDN are usually ridiculous high DAT numbers, am I right or wrong? Now all of the sudden I see the lowest DAT scores EVER posted on SDN, I was a little suspicous. Haven't you read some funny posts where people post mock numbers to get reaction? I thought Phosphorylation was trying to lighten the moods around here.

2) Phosphorylation's DAT scores are extremely low! I personally simply have never seen those numbers before. Since they were so low, I felt that it was a joke!

Now onto what's important!


I appreciate you scanning your score report onto here, but that was unnecessary. If you told me that you weren't joking, then I would've believed you. As you are already aware, you will be retaking the DAT in the future. Try to use different studying methods, get tutors, get studying partners, do something different from how you studied the first time. I wasn't mocking you or trying to ridicule you, understand that, I was simply surprised to see such numbers on SDN, which is a bite of fresh air to honest with you. Unfortunately, it is at your expense that a break from the norm is experienced on here at SDN Dental Forums. Good luck and keep on truckin'!

Stay strong!! Your scores should just be an alarm for you! Wake up and try something new! As mentioned by others try different resources. Please do not give up! Everybody wants you to be that success story that we can follow. I have to be honest and say that your scores were an alarm for me! I have been slacking off again! I am over here in Iraq and am doing exactly what I said I wouldn't do this year...make excuses and not be ready to take the DAT when I get back. It is so easy to make excuses! Every now and again we get attacked on are base or my convoy gets attacked and when I find myself saying that it was such an eventful day that I deserve some time to chill. I don't want you making excuses whether you are in the middle of a hurricane like IVAN or on the beach. Just make sure you study no matter what! I am with you and don't even know you! As we say over here in the combat zone....we aren't leaving anyone behind!

BigJ :thumbup:
thanks a lot for the replies bigJ and yah-e.

I had a feeling you didn't believe me yah-e was because my scores were too low. Unforutnateky, I wish I WAS lying, lol. I felt like a bum the first few days, I was doing all these seaches on SDN; trying to find someone with low scores like mine. nothing. I appreciate your advice, and I really think your right. I won't give up. It seems everyone here on SDN is backing me upl and I appreciate that; its totally a boost of confidence.

bigJ; I hope your doing well in Iraq; and I know exactly what you mean when you say you are slacking off. I do it all the time, and to be honest with you, thats what happened to me in the summer. All I did was do stupid crap. I don't even have the hurricane excuse to throw at you. I'm from good old columbus. nothing comes up here.

Thanks for your advice buddy; I guess we all really are one big family.

I was listening to toby keith's recent songs; and there was the "courtesy of the red, white and blue". It just made me think of how you guys are risking.
You take care of yourself though, and someday hopefully we'll both be dentists. Take care.
