Medical How do I prepare for the next cycle?

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Mar 12, 2013
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Hi everyone,

I am 35. My metrics: GPA: 3.86 MCAT 507

To improve my application, should I retake my MCAT or instead focus on gaining clinical work experience? I have been volunteering in clinical settings for more than two years: various specialties. But I never worked in clinical settings.

Thank you!
Great job on your GPA. MCAT is low for MD schools but great for DO. What are your hours for your ECs?

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I am a single parent, and depend a lot on my extended family, all of whom are in TX.

I plan to sign up for MCAT prep program and also acquire clinical work experience, and reapply next year again only to TX schools.

I am really passionate about medicine. By life circumstances, I just did not have access to quality science education abroad. I used to teach economics and I loved teaching, then I worked as web developer in the US - liked some of it, missed people a lot. I was working on MS (grad. school), I dropped it after discovering medicine, and started a BS. Love it, every part of my premed path. But I am also a single parent, and currently, my child has safe, loving and stable environment, I can not sacrifice THAT for my passion. Anything else is OK.

Is that a plan for disaster?

I think your stats are actually pretty good. Your MCAT is on the low side, but your GPA very much compensates. If you're only able to apply in Texas, be sure to apply to Texas' DO school. Just realize you may not have great luck with a limited number of applications. However, I would not only apply to DO schools with your stats. You could potentially have great luck MD schools who are interested in your story (and your GPA!).

I do think clinical experience is not something you need more of. I would try to find an interesting volunteering experience that will make people excited. If you can self-start some volunteering and create your own volunteering to involve your community and show off some leadership skills, that might be the best way to do it. Do a weekly trash pickup in the inner city or create some tutoring experiences for underserved children. Something people in your community would have the skills for but would be unlikely to start on their own.
I am a single parent, and depend a lot on my extended family, all of whom are in TX.

I plan to sign up for MCAT prep program and also acquire clinical work experience, and reapply next year again only to TX schools.

I am really passionate about medicine. By life circumstances, I just did not have access to quality science education abroad. I used to teach economics and I loved teaching, then I worked as web developer in the US - liked some of it, missed people a lot. I was working on MS (grad. school), I dropped it after discovering medicine, and started a BS. Love it, every part of my premed path. But I am also a single parent, and currently, my child has safe, loving and stable environment, I can not sacrifice THAT for my passion. Anything else is OK.

Is that a plan for disaster?

Completely understandable. The obvious is that it will be tougher to be accepted but not impossible just because of the shear number of schools you’re missing out on. However, I get your circumstance. Like others have said, make sure you apply to to TCOM (DO). It’s a great school.
tentacles, thank you so much for your response. I am actually volunteering as an advocate for victims of sexual assault, very passionate about being there to help the victims make the turn. And I am also passionate about what makes a healthy adorable little humans - we all are at some point- decline into an offender.

I am also thinking about a project, which is really nice plus there are people who are willing to take part but extremely simple; I had doubts if it is even worth the time. Your post addresses these doubts so well. As someone who is the first to graduate college in the whole family, and first to aspire to become a physician, I really appreciate your 'insider' comments :)

Well, I only have two things to say. Sounds great, and sounds great. I hope applications (and your volunteering and self-startership) go well.
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