How many Emory premeds end up at Emory Med School?

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May 11, 2017
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I've tried finding this information online, but I don't see it anywhere. I am a current freshman at Emory on a premed track and was wondering how common it is for a student to go to Emory's medical school after graduating from Emory undergrad. I know that the medical school is extremely selective, so does anyone have any information on if they're one of the medical schools that give preference to Emory undergrads? Or if there's just any data on how many Emory undergrad students end up at the med school (asking because almost every other person I meet here seems to be premed)?

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Based on the info in this thread, Emory is the 4th largest exporter of premeds after JHU, Duke, and Rice. Emory doesn't publish how many of their med students came from undergrad on their first-year class profile, but I would guess a good portion of them went to Emory undergrad.
FYI I duplicated that thread a couple years later to see if schools tend to change much between years, and they don't. So it's safe to assume Emory is still churning out 350+ premeds per year.

I ran some numbers in a different thread using data from Vanderbilt and found that they only admit about 12% of their internal applicants. That's considerably increased from their nation wide admit rate of only 4-5%, but still only a tiny fraction of their premeds get to stay. Considering that Emory/Vandy undergrad and medical are both ranked pretty similarly to one another, I'd guess they also admit only a small fraction of those 350+/yr