
  1. T

    Accepted students for Emory SOM Applicant Advice

    Very eager to go to Emory SOM. It is hard to tell from Reddit and other platforms what Emory truly wants in an applicant that receives interview invites and eventual acceptances. For people that were accepted/attend, would you be willing to share advice/tips/or what you think really stood out on...
  2. B

    Addiction psychiatry fellowship

    Hi! I am currently applying to addiction psychiatry and need help with the rank list. What are your thoughts about Emory vs Yale?
  3. K

    Free Premedical Event

    Hi everyone! KAMSA (Korean American Medical Student Association) from the Medical College of Georgia is hosting a premedical online event on May 14th from 10AM-2PM. This event is targeted for premedical students hoping to learn more about different medical specialties, medical student...
  4. E

    Emory Radiation Oncology Medical Student Scholars Program

    Emory University School of Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology Medical Student Scholars Program Purpose The Department of Radiation Oncology at Emory University strives to promote clinical, basic science, and medical physics research by attracting the best and brightest medical students...
  5. M

    California Emory premed discusses successful application cycle

    A California Emory premed discusses her successful '20-'21 application cycle. What's interesting is that her stats (though very good - 3.88/515) aren't sky high and yet she managed to get an acceptance on her first cycle despite applying to only 16 schools. I think her highly balanced...
  6. M

    Emory vs UF vs Georgetown

    UF Pros -Cost: CoA is significantly cheaper 50K -Great Fit, all current students seem very welcoming and easy to get along with. -Very good match list, but perhaps the weakest of the three. Interested in a competitive specialty. - Administration seems very supportive and mentorship seems...
  7. H

    Emory DPT 2020-2021 Cycle

    Hi everyone! I’m making this thread because I haven’t seen any other ones for Emory DPT for the 2020-2021 application cycle, so I figured we could start a discussion in this! I had an interview with Emory on 11/13, but I haven’t had any updates since. I was wondering if anyone else had heard...
  8. M

    Please Help: Emory vs. UMN

    Hi there, I am currently having a difficult time deciding between an MPH program at Emory University or University of Minnesota. I feel like I have learned quite a lot about Emory University through personal research and stalking this forum for several months however the University of...
  9. D

    Applying to MD PhD with One Withdrawal

    I plan to apply for MD PhD programs my senior year (taking a Gap year). My two top schools are Emory and Stanford. I currently have a 4.0 GPA and I’m a junior. I’ve been doing research since the summer of freshman year, each semester. I also got into Mayo Clinic’s summer fellowship for this...
  10. EpiLover12

    MPH Thank you for helping me choose schools!

    I have chosen.
  11. R

    UCSD vs Emory

    Waitlisted at Emory, and I know that basically means rejected, but I want to make this decision in the lightning strike chance it happens. A bit about me and my aims professionally: I enjoy research (my main strength of my apps) but I am open to the idea of closing that chapter of my life...
  12. M

    How many Emory premeds end up at Emory Med School?

    I've tried finding this information online, but I don't see it anywhere. I am a current freshman at Emory on a premed track and was wondering how common it is for a student to go to Emory's medical school after graduating from Emory undergrad. I know that the medical school is extremely...
  13. F

    Emory University Applicants 2018-2019 Cycle!

    Just wanted to get a thread started for those who are applying to Emory! Feel free to list your stats!
  14. kopfkino

    How's Emory premed?

    I'm debating between Emory and UT honors, so I was just wondering how difficult Emory premed is. I already know it's pretty challenging, but I've also heard there's not many curves, so as long as you study hard and understand the material, you can pull a few As. Also, I know prestige doesn't...
  15. T

    Emory (full tuition scholarship) vs. Baylor (half-tuition scholarship)

    Throwaway account because of reasons. So I’m very fortunate to be in this predicament right now. I was offered merit scholarships at both and I feel like both are very similar yet very different. Emory: Pros Full tuition Scholarship for 4 years (!!!!!!!!!!!) Closer to family and support...
  16. kopfkino

    Posting again, advice would be great: UT Honors or Emory?

    I'd be majoring in neuroscience at both. I got a merit scholarship at Emory so the cost is the same--actually Emory would be around 3k cheaper, although if I get a local scholarship, UT will be marrrginally cheaper (about 80% chance.) I love both schools, but there are aspects of both schools...
  17. kopfkino

    UT Austin, Emory, and maybe Macalester and UTD--are Texas schools the safest for medical school?

    Post updated here: Posting again, advice would be great: UT Honors or Emory? (since I can't delete this thread)
  18. knock0ut

    Emory match list 2018?

    Anyone have Emory's match list from this year?
  19. A

    Pitt v Emory

    Grateful to have been accepted to two of my top choices, both of which are great fits. I don't think I can go wrong with either. Nonetheless, a decision needs to be made. No financial aid packages yet, so waiting to make a final decision until then. Unfortunately, I cannot attend Pitt's second...
  20. MedicalDoge

    All Help Welcome! Emory v Miami v Dartmouth

    Hello again! I have narrowed my choices down to 3 awesome programs. I can't believe I am in such a blessed position. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am leaning towards Emory or Miami at this point. My general interests are in neurology/neuropath, infectious disease, and pathology...
  21. 0


  22. B

    Johns Hopkins MSPH in Population, Family, Reproductive Health vs Emory University Global Health

    Hi all, I have gotten into two excellent programs and am stuck deciding. I am currently working as a consultant in Kenya and won't be able to attend accepted student day or visit campus before the fall. I got into Johns Hopkins MSPH in Population, Family and Reproductive Health and Emory...
  23. F

    Emory DPT 2017 Applicants

    ***UPDATE**** :) Hi everyone! I just wanted to start a thread for Emory's DPT application process this year since I haven't seen one yet. If anyone would like to share their stats that would be cool! I know from looking at last year's thread, people started getting invitations to interview...
  24. F

    Choosing an ED school

    Hi everyone, So it's the summer right before senior year for me, and I need to choose a school to ED at. I have a 3.9 GPA (two Bs in precalc Honors Junior year), 34 ACT, 790 math II, and 720 Bio M (I'm gonna retake bio next month). I go to a Bay Area Silicon Valley high school, so I'm not top...
  25. B

    Non-Degree Student at Emory vs. HES vs. State School?

    All, I am currently hoping to begin taking classes this upcoming spring semester (Jan 2018). I graduated May 2016 with a degree in Biology, so I only have about 4 more classes to take before I can apply to med school: Organic Chem 2, Physics, 2, Biochemistry, and Gen Chem 2. However, I am not...
  26. amg_la

    Need Help with School List -- Questionable CARS

    hi all, i really need help with finalizing my school list. I have a solid application except for my CARS score which really hurt my MCAT. I want to go to a really good school (obviously) but i don't want to waste this application cycle being too ambitious about my schools. Please give me your...
  27. D


  28. Cervantes

    Emory MCAT prep course

    Hi, SDN! I'll be taking the MCAT in August, and I've already signed up for the in-person Princeton Review course that starts in June and ends at the beginning of August. The PR course meets Monday through Thursday for 3 hours each day for a total of 102-105 hours. Until the date the PR course...
  29. S

    MPH Columbia vs BU vs Emory MPH

    Hello! I am at a difficult choice in choosing MPH programs in Fall 2017. About me: I want to get into the business side of healthcare, but have research and quantitative skills. I want to get into healthcare consulting after graduating with my MPH. I am currently deciding between BU's MPH in...
  30. Cervantes

    Physics I + Biochemistry over the summer?

    Hi, everyone. I'm a post-bac and the prereqs I have left to take are Biochemistry, and Physics I & II. I already have an A on Calculus I so I could take calculus based Physics, but I hear that it is a rather tough class and algebra physics is just as good for the MCAT. If I take Biochemistry...
  31. Ricegrad

    Private room, shared bath in Atlanta

    I have a spare bedroom with a shared bathroom in a house available for short term rent. The room can be furnished or unfurnished. Rent would be $700 per month with all utilities included: gas, water, electric, WiFi, and access to a washer/dryer. Off street parking is available. A little about...
  32. R

    Emory Radiology

    I matched at Emory and I'm having a hard time remembering my visit there because it was so long ago, and I also missed the resident dinner. Could anyone with first hand experience tell me more about what it's like to be a resident there? Thanks!
  33. A

    Emory vs. UT Houston (Dallas campus)

    Hi, first time poster here. I find this site very helpful, and would appreciate some needed advice. I received admission into Emory's BSHE MPH program as well as UT Houston's custom MPH program at their Dallas campus, and I don't know which one to pick. I went to Emory for my undergrad, and...
  34. jash14

    MPH EMORY BSHE/Atlanta Pros/Cons?

    I recently got into the BSHE dept at Emory, which has thrown a wrench into what I thought was going to be a fairly simple decision. Anyone with some pros and cons for the school/Atlanta would be greatly appreciated here!
  35. L

    Epidemiology MPH/MSPH from JHU vs U Mich vs Emory?

    Hi all! I'm having trouble deciding between the global epidemiology MPH programs at U Michigan (MPH global health epi), Emory (MSPH GLEPI), and JHU (MSPH GDEC) - I have some questions for current and former students from any of these programs/schools (or anyone else who can answer), any insight...
  36. L

    Emory MSPH GLEPI (Global Epidemiology)

    Just been accepted to the MSPH GLEPI program at Emory for fall 2016! I've been having a hard time finding info on class sizes, student:faculty ratio, etc. Does anyone know how approx how many students are in the MSPH GLEPI program? Do the MSPH/MPH and GLEPI/EPI have classes together? How large...
  37. D

    Clean Room for Rent in Decatur

    Clean room for rent in 2/1 house. I'm an Emory grad working in Midtown Atlanta. I have two dogs- a 1 yr old Goldendoodle and a 9 yr old schnauzer. The room is currently rented and will be available weekend of June 10th. Rent is $550/month utilities included (gas,water,power,internet). The room...
  38. CLE514

    MHA from U of Washington or MPH in HPM from Emory?

    I have been accepted into both programs (yay!), but I am having a hard time making a final decision. I have heard mixed things about whether an MHA or MPH degree is "better" or more versatile. I do not have a particular direction I am set on just yet for my career. Both programs are fairly...
  39. C


    Has anyone heard from Emory regarding interview invitations?