My house is appraised at close to $450k and I paid $8.5k in property taxes. Once you turn 65, they limit the growth of your property taxes. Other option is to get an ag exemption.
You could move to OK where they don’t have property taxes. . . .
$60k/year is easy to live on with no kids, no mortgage, and realistic expendatures. . .. , you can’t live in a $ 2.5M property though or have $50k in cars.
Calling $2M poverty level is hyperbolic. I have no plans to retire so little Savings, (kinda plan to hit the $10M mark. . But we will see).
I’m not saying you should retire on so little, or what your goals should be, but the vast majority of Americans retire on way less. And no plan is completely bulletproof. Some things are just out of your hands.
And $8k/year in life insurance means someone needs to run away from cash value life insurance. Horrible product.
WCI and Dave Ramsey have good articles at just how bad this is.