I decided I want to major in music, but...

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Morizaki Nao

森崎 奈緒
5+ Year Member
Feb 27, 2017
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I am in a really tough situation right now. I currently attend the University of Guam and it's my first semester. I am majoring in Biology right now and I love it so much, but it feels like something is missing. I want to major in music now, playing the piano, but I'm not sure if I am even good enough. I love music so much, but if it's not with the piano, it might just feel as incomplete as being a biology major does so far. My piano skills are currently only lower intermediate level, and I'm so shy to even play in front of others now even though I wasn't before. If I do decide to major in music, I have to pass an audition playing the piano so I hope I can have some advice on what piece would be considered good enough?

To explain furthur, I want to be a pediatric surgeon and I have always had this vision of playing the piano for the children. I have already faced financial hardships and through it all, that's the image I think back to. It's what keeps me going, and if that is so, I know I won't make it far without following the path of that vision is what I feel.

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First, you're a first semester freshman, so you're not really majoring in anything yet. At most schools, you have to have a minimum GPA, certain core classes completed and class standing. You should talk to your advisor.

Second, how about maybe just taking a piano (performance) minor? Keep music in your life, but don't wrap your whole academic world in it. I started out as a music ed. major. They sucked all the fun out of it and made it "work" with dismal employment prospects to follow. I'd had enough after two semesters. I discovered biology and medicine and blah blah personal statement.

Third, you can certainly find any number of websites that suggest appropriate audition pieces. You will also have to sight read something you've never seen before. An audition is mostly diagnostic. They just want to see where you're at. Unless it sounds like you've never sat at a piano, you're probably going to be fine.

Fourth, understand that as a premed, you have prerequisites to take and they will take up the majority of your awake time. You will also have to find time to practice a significant amount if you intend to major in music. Your performance will be expected to increase towards professional level as you get closer to graduating.
I was a piano major and worked as a professional musician for a long time before med school. Had a blast, but holy crap what a tough way to make a living. You'll often hear professional musicians tell aspiring students: if you can see yourself doing ANYTHING else besides music as a career, do it. You can always keep playing the piano no matter whether you actually major in it.

As for what to play, in the real world nobody talks about the "level" of a piece. Play what you can play well and play consistently well. Nobody will be impressed by WHAT you play, only HOW WELL you play it. Don't be the guy who walks in with Ravel's Gaspard de la nuit piece and then play it terribly. Just play what you play well. This is really something you should discuss at length with your teacher.