If medical school were a free market like law school ( much lower salaries )

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Mar 3, 2005
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If medical school were a free market like law school how much money would docs make ? Maybe 50-75k ? Think about all the people who would become docs if they had the choice. There are two or three viable candidates for every person who gets accepted to med school. Do you really think a person with a 3.75 will make a better doc than someone who has ( God forbid 3.5 ) ? No way. GPA and MCAT score dont indicate who is going to be a better doc. I say double the number of medical schools and make medicine a free market. If it was a free market would you still want to be a doc ? I would as I am 34 and no longer need to work for money.

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MikePhen2 said:
If medical school were a free market like law school how much money would docs make ? Maybe 50-75k ? Think about all the people who would become docs if they had the choice. There are two or three viable candidates for every person who gets accepted to med school. Do you really think a person with a 3.75 will make a better doc than someone who has ( God forbid 3.5 ) ? No way. GPA and MCAT score dont indicate who is going to be a better doc. I say double the number of medical schools and make medicine a free market. If it was a free market would you still want to be a doc ? I would as I am 34 and no longer need to work for money.

I dont think this is right. There are law schools that offer online classes. What if med schools did this? Doctors would be a dollar a dozen, how would you know which ones would be safe? I wouldnt want just any lawyer defending me in court. In free market medical education system, it would be too difficult to maintain and track quality if everybody could open a medical school. Plus, its prohibitively expensive to open a new medical school.
MikePhen2 said:
I say double the number of medical schools and make medicine a free market.

Why bother? PA's will fill in the gaps.

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The USMLE exams equalize all med schools now. They would equalize any new one built as well. I am just saying it should be a free market like most other professions. Dont you think an undergraduate with a 3.5 in biochem should get to be a doc even if has .2 less than average admitting numbers.

I mean seriously, there is such insanity in med school apps they actually accept a 3.9 history or english major over a 3.5 biochem major. That is a total joke. I could take 24 credits of liberal arts credits and get a 4.0. 15 credits of hard core science is hard.
Medical school is a free market. The supply is fixed, and there is a corresponding demand. That's why med students go into 160K worth of debt over the course of their education. I think what you mean is that what would happen if everyone who wants to be a doctor gets to be. In that case yes, doctors would make much less, but also because of that, less people would want to be doctors because the cost/benefit curve would be less. So doctors probably wouldn't make too much less, but it would be considerable I'm sure. Second, med schools cannot possibly offer online classes because they wouldn't recieve the necessary training that can only be done via hands on learning. Law school is different, you only need to know information, not be able to perform complex operations.
Practically you can't even double the number. It takes way too much money to create a med school. A lot of hospitals have merged. They're loosing money.
MikePhen2 said:
The USMLE exams equalize all med schools now. They would equalize any new one built as well. I am just saying it should be a free market like most other professions. Dont you think an undergraduate with a 3.5 in biochem should get to be a doc even if has .2 less than average admitting numbers.

I mean seriously, there is such insanity in med school apps they actually accept a 3.9 history or english major over a 3.5 biochem major. That is a total joke. I could take 24 credits of liberal arts credits and get a 4.0. 15 credits of hard core science is hard.
I guess maybe you should have done a little better with that biochem major so you'd get into medical school and quit trolling SDN.
I think as long as doctors would have to pass their USMLE's and so forth it won't be a problem. Many law schools have lawyers that don't pass the bar, so plenty of people would sacrifice many years only to fail their USMLE.

But residencies are limited by the goverment. Medicaid pays for a resident's salary and teaching. The number residencies will not jump up unless people could pay hospitals 40k a year to teach, which i doubt most people could do.

In addition, academic institutions and accreditation boards have these crazy things they call "standards". While businesses are free to take money however they can get it, med schools and teaching hospitals might not want to offer clinical training to anybody who wants it. Hell, even transferring med schools is an impossible task.

The only way we could have more students is more med schools or bigger classes. AMSA or whoever has made proposals for modest increases in class sizes and maybe a few more schools in the future. But quality over quanity is the rule here folks. Quanity exists in the caribbean or whereever. Anyone can try their hand at being a doctor by going to one of those schools. Most don't make it, but those who can are free to lap up the 7000 residencies that US residents don't want every year.
YzIa, I have a 4.0 in my first engineering degree and now a 4.0 in a biochem degree. There is no way I will be rejected. I am just making a point.
someone ban this kid :thumbdown:
MikePhen2 said:
YzIa, I have a 4.0 in my first engineering degree and now a 4.0 in a biochem degree. There is no way I will be rejected. I am just making a point.
I think I speak for most people here when I say: Bully for you! :rolleyes:
MikePhen2 said:
Dont you think an undergraduate with a 3.5 in biochem should get to be a doc even if has .2 less than average admitting numbers.

You make it sound like people with a 3.5 don't get into med school. They do. So do people with much lower stats.
MikePhen2 said:
YzIa, I have a 4.0 in my first engineering degree and now a 4.0 in a biochem degree. There is no way I will be rejected. I am just making a point.

I hope you DO get rejected...then you'll make a great point! :laugh:
MikePhen2 said:
YzIa, I have a 4.0 in my first engineering degree and now a 4.0 in a biochem degree. There is no way I will be rejected. I am just making a point.
Since there is no chance you will get rejected, maybe you should STFU, apply to med school and quit trolling! Honestly, how many times have you been banned from this forum under different screennames?