Important Transcript Problem

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20+ Year Member
Jun 23, 2003
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How hard up is PCOM on wanting transcripts from ALL colleges? The one that really matters, from my undergrad, was sent. However, I went to one of those online colleges for about 3 weeks and withdrew. This college won't send my transcript until I pay them $1,800 they claim I owe in full. I can't afford to do that.

So do I not get to go to med school this fall?

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HooahDOc said:
How hard up is PCOM on wanting transcripts from ALL colleges? The one that really matters, from my undergrad, was sent. However, I went to one of those online colleges for about 3 weeks and withdrew. This college won't send my transcript until I pay them $1,800 they claim I owe in full. I can't afford to do that.

So do I not get to go to med school this fall?

Does PCOM know that you took this course? If they don't then you may not need to.
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HooahDOc said:
Yes, it was listed on my AACOMAS from last year. I had an enrollment of 4 weeks and two W's from it.

There is your answer. I think you should address this directly with the school(s).
HooahDOc said:
How hard up is PCOM on wanting transcripts from ALL colleges? The one that really matters, from my undergrad, was sent. However, I went to one of those online colleges for about 3 weeks and withdrew. This college won't send my transcript until I pay them $1,800 they claim I owe in full. I can't afford to do that.

So do I not get to go to med school this fall?

I suppose so, if it's worth avoiding med school to retain $1800.