International Student with Phd

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Sep 30, 2018
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I am an International Student getting a Phd from the States. I just applied to med schools. Anyone else like me or similar?

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You are not alone. I used to be an international student, got my PhD several years ago in midwest, and have worked in academia since. I am applying this cycle. But I got my permanent residency a few years ago too. This gives me additional opportunities in state schools. Are you still on F1 visa?
You are not alone. I used to be an international student, got my PhD several years ago in midwest, and have worked in academia since. I am applying this cycle. But I got my permanent residency a few years ago too. This gives me additional opportunities in state schools. Are you still on F1 visa?
You are not alone. I used to be an international student, got my PhD several years ago in midwest, and have worked in academia since. I am applying this cycle. But I got my permanent residency a few years ago too. This gives me additional opportunities in state schools. Are you still on F1 visa?

Yeah, I am still on F1. So very limited number of schools take internationals. I applied to.a few but was wondering if they take cases like mine.