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Nov 15, 2018
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Hi all premed students

I am a PGY-5 Radiologist in the NJ/NY area who has been conducting interviews for medical school admissions for the past 3 years.

After approximately 100 interviews, there are many applicants i wish i could have coached before they came for their interview.

I would like to begin offering interview coaching to any prospective medical school applicants in the NY, NJ, and PA area.

I offer both 1-hour and 2-hour sessions which include a dressed-mock interview, followed by a coaching session.
We will go over: punctuality, dress code, things never to say, dealing with nervousness, body language, correct and incorrect responses, questions/answers by you, commonly used metrics of how interviews are assessed, and how we give recommendations to admissions committees.

Interviews and coaching will be conducted in a hospital conference room setting.

If anyone is interested please email me at:
[email protected]

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