Technology iPad

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I've been using Evernote for PDF management. The iPad interface is slick, and it makes syncing and organizing very simple. I've used AirSharing in the past and found that the few seconds of network fiddling it takes to establish a connection are just enough to bug me.

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I've been using Evernote for PDF management. The iPad interface is slick, and it makes syncing and organizing very simple. I've used AirSharing in the past and found that the few seconds of network fiddling it takes to establish a connection are just enough to bug me.

Evernote would be okay if I didn't have a few GB of books and pdfs I like to load up. Apple needs to develop an official frontend where you can wirelessly/wire transfer your documents and open them. I don't think it will be difficult as the ipad/iphone/ipod can already seamlessly open word, pdf documents. Apple is just being stubborn, so you have to use a 3rd party app.


Just found out about this program, anyone try it out?
Evernote would be okay if I didn't have a few GB of books and pdfs I like to load up. Apple needs to develop an official frontend where you can wirelessly/wire transfer your documents and open them. I don't think it will be difficult as the ipad/iphone/ipod can already seamlessly open word, pdf documents. Apple is just being stubborn, so you have to use a 3rd party app.


Just found out about this program, anyone try it out?
I use papers and I find it useful on both my mac and iPad but it's mainly for PDF's, you can also use GoodReader which can handle more than just PDF's on the iPad
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I use papers and I find it useful on both my mac and iPad but it's mainly for PDF's, you can also use GoodReader which can handle more than just PDF's on the iPad

Is Papers good? I thought it looked interesting, but it's kinda too expensive for me to just buy and try out.
Is Papers good? I thought it looked interesting, but it's kinda too expensive for me to just buy and try out.
I really like it and when I get more scientific articles I'll put it in there mostly because its easier to classify and sort articles based on author, publication, ect. For others I'm using good reader which can handle multiple types of files
Well with the update to iBooks you can now have your PDF's in iBooks with a new bookshelf so no need to buy another app. So the update will be out later this month

iBooks app on the iPhone, will sync your Books and PDF's in iBooks across both devices (guessing when you connect it to the computer) and remember your place within the document (wirelessly)
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Well with the update to iBooks you can now have your PDF's in iBooks with a new bookshelf so no need to buy another app. So the update will be out later this month

iBooks app on the iPhone, will sync your Books and PDF's in iBooks across both devices (guessing when you connect it to the computer) and remember your place within the document (wirelessly)

Glad I'm not the only person nerdy enough to follow wwdc keynote liveblogs.
OK, I really had no idea what "WWDC" meant. I thought it was something like "What Would Jesus Do," only computer-related. I had to look it up on Google.

Yes, I feel dumb. No, not for the first time.
OK, I really had no idea what "WWDC" meant. I thought it was something like "What Would Jesus Do," only computer-related. I had to look it up on Google.

Yes, I feel dumb. No, not for the first time.

Oh I've been meaning to ask you, has your dad showed you any new tricks on that iPod touch you gave him?
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Wow, you really abuse him. Usually people get younger individuals to help them move but apparently either your dad is superman in disguise or you just like abusing the frail and elderly....

He doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do, and I'm more frail than he. It's not like I have him moving furniture; that's for the movers.
OK, I really had no idea what "WWDC" meant. I thought it was something like "What Would Jesus Do," only computer-related. I had to look it up on Google.

Yes, I feel dumb. No, not for the first time.

Don't feel dumb, that ignorance was keeping you from being a total nerd like the rest of us. 😀

Now that I live in St. Paul and all the WiFi points are mapped, the Google Maps app on this thing is flawless.
What I need is for Apple to make saving documents, or PDF files from the web, and syncing, seamless.

If you could find a document you're interested in, save it while in safari, and do an autosync (e.g. dropbox) so your work/home computer and ipad are synchronized with the same documents, then the ipad could become a very powerful productive tool.

Perhaps Apple can intergrate iWorks with auto synching, or the dropbox people can think of an ingenious way to make their program work with safari (I find most of my articles from the web)
What I need is for Apple to make saving documents, or PDF files from the web, and syncing, seamless.

If you could find a document you're interested in, save it while in safari, and do an autosync (e.g. dropbox) so your work/home computer and ipad are synchronized with the same documents, then the ipad could become a very powerful productive tool.

Perhaps Apple can intergrate iWorks with auto synching, or the dropbox people can think of an ingenious way to make their program work with safari (I find most of my articles from the web)


I'd love to see integration with iDisk, for example.
You guys think we have to wait for March for the next iPad or will it be ready for xmas?

I think it'll be a year or so, in the past the only times the iPhone and iPod touch have been upgraded midcycle was when they bumped up the storage capacity, they never introduce new features until the start of the next cycle
What I need is for Apple to make saving documents, or PDF files from the web, and syncing, seamless.

If you could find a document you're interested in, save it while in safari, and do an autosync (e.g. dropbox) so your work/home computer and ipad are synchronized with the same documents, then the ipad could become a very powerful productive tool.

Perhaps Apple can intergrate iWorks with auto synching, or the dropbox people can think of an ingenious way to make their program work with safari (I find most of my articles from the web)

While I agree that the iPad's file management scheme needs improvement, it's pretty easy to download, organize, and read PDF files using PDFReader Pro (available in the App Store). You can find a document using Safari, and paste the URL into PDFReader Pro to download and save it in the app.

For documents stored on your computer, Dropbox lets you open PDF files in either PDFReader Pro or iBooks. This is probably as close to "syncing" as you can get right now.

If you use iDisk, you can install the iDisk app, e-mail yourself the links to PDF files stored on your iDisk, and then open them up and save them as described above. Klunky, but it works.
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While I agree that the iPad's file management scheme needs improvement, it's pretty easy to download, organize, and read PDF files using PDFReader Pro (available in the App Store). You can find a document using Safari, and paste the URL into PDFReader Pro to download and save it in the app.

For documents stored on your computer, Dropbox lets you open PDF files in either PDFReader Pro or iBooks. This is probably as close to "syncing" as you can get right now.

If you use iDisk, you can install the iDisk app, e-mail yourself the links to PDF files stored on your iDisk, and then open them up and save them as described above. Klunky, but it works.

I use either airsharing to browse files directly on my computer and then copy the ones I need or I place them in Dropbox and sync that way. But agreed file management needs to be improved