Is it okay to claim AP lab credit for chemistry?

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Nov 17, 2016
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Hi everyone so I was just wondering if its okay to claim AP lab credit for chemistry (I am taking the actual general chemistry courses). I'm from Texas and from looking at the Texas medical schools prerequisites, they do accept AP credit. However, when I ask my advisers if I should claim credit they don't recommend I do so because it will "make me less competitive." What do ya'll think? Will I be at a disadvantage if I don't take the actual lab at my university?

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Hi everyone so I was just wondering if its okay to claim AP lab credit for chemistry (I am taking the actual general chemistry courses). I'm from Texas and from looking at the Texas medical schools prerequisites, they do accept AP credit. However, when I ask my advisers if I should claim credit they don't recommend I do so because it will "make me less competitive." What do ya'll think? Will I be at a disadvantage if I don't take the actual lab at my university?
I claimed a ton of AP credit (including Chem Lab). Just make sure to take plenty of upper division science courses and do well in them to show that you're capable of handling medical school courses. Honestly, doing well in gen chem lab doesn't tell that much about an applicant. It shows a lot more for an applicant to do well in Ochem lab or another upper division science class.

do well in orgo and take P chem if you can
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I understand orgo but what is the point of recommending that I take P chem?
just to have an extra semester of college chemistry on you transcript. i'm not saying you HAVE to but considering how competative med school is it could help. Some medical schools recommend Pchem in place of AP chem (I think NYU specifically does)

it also doesn't have to be physical chemistry; it could be analytical, inorganic, or even an "advanced" organic chem class. ORR you could just take gen chem again to boost your GPA!
I seem to have misunderstood your question; you are taking the lecture but not the lab. you should be fine
just to have an extra semester of college chemistry on you transcript. i'm not saying you HAVE to but considering how competative med school is it could help. Some medical schools recommend Pchem in place of AP chem (I think NYU specifically does)

it also doesn't have to be physical chemistry; it could be analytical, inorganic, or even an "advanced" organic chem class. ORR you could just take gen chem again to boost your GPA!

Oh I see. I am taking general chemistry 1 & 2 this year its the lab that I was wondering if I should do again.
It all depends what you're school will grant credit for. If your school grants you lab credit for both semesters due toAP chem, don't take the labs. They are huge time sinks and absolutely useless both generally and in terms of impressing adcoms.

Also for the love of god do not take Pchem. It won't impress anyone, and you're gonna run the serious risk of hurting your GPA. Take some fluff BCPM class instead.

As a general rule, don't try to impress adcoms with the classes you take - the reality is that very few will be able to realize the relative rigor of a tough curriculum.
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