Is It Worth Reapplying?

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Sep 24, 2023
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If you absolutely refuse to attend the school, then the answer to your question is likely yes since you have a decent number of hours in relevant areas since your last application.

I would get your application and secondaries submitted the day before they are due. Also, post your stats in the SDN form (probably in a different thread) so that the folks around here who are good at advising on school lists can help.
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If you absolutely refuse to attend the school, then the answer to your question is likely yes since you have a decent number of hours in relevant areas since your last application.

I would get your application and secondaries submitted the day before they are due. Also, post your stats in the SDN form (probably in a different thread) so that the folks around here are good at advising on school lists can help.
Thank you! Will do!
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I applied like bananas to as many schools as I could (~70). So I feel like I gotta pulse on what many had in their secondaries & I can tell you that ~10%, if not a little more, asked if I had an acceptance before from a med school, whether that was asked on the secondary or sometimes at a later stage of the game. Idk if AMCAS has some system to flag this to schools already or not, but if schools are independently asking, I'd assume not

Would be more than happy to talk through the details of this school if you wanna PM. Personally, I could count on my hands how many schools actually have CONSISTENTLY nice administrations, at least that I applied to. Some schools have nice administrations but MY GOSH, they have the worst grading schemes I could even imagine. I've come to realize that it's hard to know what schools are the ones with all the nitty gritty details like nice admin, a thoughtful grading system, etc until you apply. And by the time you find out, the cycle is probably at the stage where few IIs are being sent out
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Each year around 40% of all applicants are accepted and of that number , about half are accepted to one school. That means around 60% are outright rejected including applicants with stellar applications.
Think long and hard before you give up your acceptance. Do you want to be a doctor? You have the chance now. Next year at this time you can either be finishing M1 or waiting for an acceptance.