Is medical school for me if I suck at lab or anything hands-on?

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Hello beautiful people!

So I really want to go to medical school, however time and time again, I have seen through many of my lab classes that I SUCK AT LAB. Basically I suck at anything that is hands-on and requires practicality. How bad is this for medical school? Like I am ok with the Physicals, but just in general.

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I wouldn't worry about it! The majority of clinical education in med school is sitting, thinking, writing notes, doing online research, etc. Physical exams and occasional suturing are about as close as you get to anything resembling hands-on practicality. If this is something that persists for whatever reason you may not be the most innately gifted surgeon or pathologist... but you'll be fine. Great thing about medicine is that there are many different fields with a huge amount of variety.
I despised undergrad lab as well. Medical school is very different.