Jefferson Waitlist Movement

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Aug 29, 2003
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Good news! just got the acceptance call this morning from dr callahan.. she said theyre just starting to take people off the waitlist (i think she said i was the first one off)... fyi, i was on high priority waitlist and interviewed in mid november... good luck everyone!

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congratulations! see you next year
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though I am trying to be completely happy for you, I can't help but think that this means i'm not getting an interview. doh!
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Awesome! Congratulations! :)

I hope I get off! I interviewed in Sept. and am high-priority. Davedavedave, do you know if there is any other "type" of waitlist than high-priority? The name kind of implies that.
aingeal said:
congratulations! wow that's early!
if you don't mind, how often did you update? thanks!

i sent her a little letter after i got waitlisted, saying how i liked jeff... and i also sent a generic update letter a few days ago with my fall grades..

i heard from a student there that getting on high priority means u have an extremely good shot at getting in (theyve ended up accepting all those on hp the past couple yrs).. i just didnt expect to hear from them until the summer :)
UCLAstudent said:
Awesome! Congratulations! :)

I hope I get off! I interviewed in Sept. and am high-priority. Davedavedave, do you know if there is any other "type" of waitlist than high-priority? The name kind of implies that.

im sure that hp is a special division of the waitlist since in the past couple years theyve accepted all of those on this list (or so i've heard)
cool thanks
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SRQGirl said:

though I am trying to be completely happy for you, I can't help but think that this means i'm not getting an interview. doh!

ditto, but congrats dave! :luck:
I think I got in. My mom let me know that there is a message at home from Dr. Callahan, and that I need to return the call. :)
UCLAstudent said:
I think I got in. My mom let me know that there is a message at home from Dr. Callahan, and that I need to return the call. :)

Congrats UCLAstudent! Your acceptance list grows again!
UCLAstudent said:
I think I got in. My mom let me know that there is a message at home from Dr. Callahan, and that I need to return the call. :)

YAY!!!!! we might be in the same class!!!!!! LOL, i emailed Dr. Callahan about an interview and she emailed me back saying someone will contact me soon to arrange one for me!!!!!! :love: :love:
Thanks, Uegis and Wends! :D