Job during interviews?

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Full Member
Jul 31, 2019
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Hi Everyone!

I was hoping to get some opinions on my job situation. I currently work as a research fellow, and this is a 12-month position that cannot be extended. My 12 months is ending the first week of September. It is unfortunate because I have gotten a few medical school interviews for late September, right after this job ends. I feel weird about it because I will have to tell the interviews that I am "in-between jobs" while interviewing. I won't have enough time to find another job after my fellowship ends before these interviews but I am afraid the interviewers will not like that I am technically unemployed even if it is just for those few weeks. Does anyone have any thoughts? I am worried this will hurt my chances.

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You're not applying for a credit card. They're not going to care that you're unemployed.

Also why would you phrase it that way at an interview? If they ask what you're currently doing you tell them you just finished a 12 month research fellow position and are currently looking for another x or doing x now.
You're not applying for a credit card. They're not going to care that you're unemployed.

Also why would you phrase it that way at an interview? If they ask what you're currently doing you tell them you just finished a 12 month research fellow position and are currently looking for another x or doing x now.
I would not say it like that in the interview, but you're right-I think I am way too in my head about this
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