July 24th MCATers...Score Count Down

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Jul 30, 2007
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Are you guys nervous about the score? :=)

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SCORE IS UP!!!!!!!! HELLLA MOTHA FKING YA!!!!! i GOT A 31P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Congrats to everyone! If you are not 100% happy with your score, I bumped the official "should I retake?" thread, where you can ask your fellow posters for an opinion on whether you need to consider retaking.

Right in line with my practice average!!

Guess it wasn't as bad as we thought? Or maybe a decent curve?
scores are up

So let's see some scores! I won't be the first to post mine because I'm sure they're was worse than all everyone else's ....did not get 35 and up on my practices like most of you guys.:scared:
Congrats all!!

38T. I'm off to go dissolve in relief all over my keyboard. Maybe maybe this will offset my crap gpa and I can be a doctor after all!
I got the bottom end of my practices, but I'm happy...

I got a 28O, and that will get me in somewhere...

I seriously thought I got a 21...seriously...
Congrats all!!

38T. I'm off to go dissolve in relief all over my keyboard. Maybe maybe this will offset my crap gpa and I can be a doctor after all!

Damn dude, right on...

I'm the opposite: My GPA is really high...

****. I cannot believe this. I seriously got worse than my diagnostic.
OMG i don't know if i should be happy or not
English is my 2nd language but i got 34K on the MCAT
My old MCAT from August 2006 was 28M
July 2007 is 34K : 8VR, 15PS, 11BS

11 PS 10V 11BS .

Nothing like the feeling of never having to take the test ever again.
29Q (10PS,10VR, 9BS)

My practice scores were all 32-35. While I'm disappointed, I had a notion it would be around there, since I couldnt sleep the night before.
I also took it on 8/9 and I know I did well, so I'm crossing my fingers for Sept 12th.
Good luck to ya'll.
May 2007 : 11 PS / 06 VR / 10 BS = 27Q

July 2007 : 10 PS / 10 VR / 10 BS = 30R

good improvement in verbal, but sucks i went down in PS...
so do you think i have a decent shot of gettin in somewhere?

PS 10
VR 8
BS 10

Total = 28

GPA = 3.65
Science GPA = 3.67
NY Resident

Do I have a shot at any NY or other schools with this?
Alright here goes....

I got a 27 O in August 2006.

My new score is a 29 Q

Can someone please tell me this is a good improvement? (VR went down :mad:).

Also, I've just applied to an early decision program where I am fully committed to attend if I'm accepted.

Thanks a bunch!
Here goes: 22L vs 6 bs 8 ps 8 English is my 2nd language.

Am I the only one who did terrible?

aamc practice range (tests 4 28, 5 25, 6 29, 7 25, 8 28, 9 29)

I was really hoping I'd score in that range, since those tests are supposed to be such good indicators.:mad:
I have never felt so sick in my entire life.

26P. 9PS 8VR 9BS...that makes zero sense to me. I took all AAMC's and averaged a 32 with a range of 29-35.. I got my lowest score in every single ****ing section, and I only thought the PS was bad. This is a completely different test now, I don't know if I can even improve with a retake.

I have never felt so sick in my entire life.

26P. 9PS 8VR 9BS...that makes zero sense to me. I took all AAMC's and averaged a 32 with a range of 29-35.. I got my lowest score in every single ****ing section, and I only thought the PS was bad. This is a completely different test now, I don't know if I can even improve with a retake.


Hey, I'm with you. I'm kind of sitting here, wondering if I should bother filling out secondaries, etc, or if I should just prepare to spend next year doing some stupid job instead of med school, hmm, living itself doesn't really sound too good right about now. Melodramatic, yes, but this is the MCAT we're talking about.

I just keep trying to tell myself success stories that this girl I know told me, she got a 20 on her first MCAT, a 30 on her second one, and now she's in med school. Granted, she's 26 and had to do a postbacc first.

I want to swear until I'm blue in the face but I guess that is frowned on.
34R. PS 10 (could not believe I got better than a 7, seriously), VR 13, BS 11.

I am over the moon. It's not 41T, but I couldn't imagine getting better than a 30....
Hey, I'm with you. I'm kind of sitting here, wondering if I should bother filling out secondaries, etc, or if I should just prepare to spend next year doing some stupid job instead of med school, hmm, living itself doesn't really sound too good right about now. Melodramatic, yes, but this is the MCAT we're talking about.

I just keep trying to tell myself success stories that this girl I know told me, she got a 20 on her first MCAT, a 30 on her second one, and now she's in med school. Granted, she's 26 and had to do a postbacc first.

I want to swear until I'm blue in the face but I guess that is frowned on.

I'm glad to see someone else in my exact same position. I'm considering DO schools now, but i haven't even filled out the AAMCOS :(
Congratulations to those of you who got good scores! That reminds me the August 2006 MCAT: A LOT of people complained they had the most difficult BS in MCAT, and yet at the end it was not as bad as people initially thought. On the flip side, it really worries me the almost-for-sure harsh curve for Aug 9 MCATers (the vast majority of SDNers took the exam that day felt it was an easy one)....:scared::scared::scared:
32R.. PS:13, VR:7, BS:12

Totally disappointed with my verbal score. I thought I'll score around 9. Not sure if I should withdraw for this year and take it next year? English is not my first language but I think medical schools don't really care.

Congrats to all who scored well!
34 R

12 PS
10 VR
12 BS

Pretty content with the sciences, but I think I could have done better in verbal. I was hoping for closer to a 36, but I don't think it matters that I scored a few points lower, if I am looking at mid-level med schools?
30 O
9 PS
10 VR
11 BS

All i wanted from the beginning of this was a 30..but It would have been nice to have a 32+
I am not applying until next cycle.. but do you think i should even consider retaking.. or just stick with this?

I really dont want to go through all the studying again.. and I am fairly sure I will get in somewhere..

I am so happy!!! I first took the MCAT in August 2005 and got a 24 O - 8's all around. I retook it on July 24th 2007 and got a 31 O - 10P,10V,11B!!!

Big improvement is definitely possible!!!
34 R

12 PS
10 VR
12 BS

Pretty content with the sciences, but I think I could have done better in verbal. I was hoping for closer to a 36, but I don't think it matters that I scored a few points lower, if I am looking at mid-level med schools?

wow exact same score as me - same breakdown, same writing score

freaky. anyway its a good score, congrats