June 30th?

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Dec 5, 2017
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I just moved back my test to June 30th from June 11th.Should I be worried about taking it too late? Will it hurt my chances? I plan on submitting everything else the first or second week in June.

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If you have everything else ready to go by the time you take the DAT you should be fine. Be sure to do well on the DAT to help offset your GPA!
I just moved back my test to June 30th from June 11th. I don't have a great GPA 3.24 (sGPA 3.52).Should I be worried about taking it too late? Will it hurt my chances? I plan on submitting everything else the first or second week in June.

If you’re prepped and do better on the later date, does it really matter in the grand scheme of things?
I just moved back my test to June 30th from June 11th. I don't have a great GPA 3.24 (sGPA 3.52).Should I be worried about taking it too late? Will it hurt my chances? I plan on submitting everything else the first or second week in June.

My pre-health adviser told me that as long as I get my application in by mid to late July, it will be fine because that's around the time most schools will actually start reviewing it.