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Jul 24, 2016
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Hello, everyone, this is my first time posting here and I am wondering if anyone can give me a feedback for what my chances are getting into a top 10 medical school. I am currently attending school in Minnesota

What I have done

So far I took the MCAT this year and scored a 526 ( 131 CARS, 132 CHEM AND PHYS, 131 PSYCH, and 132 in the BIOCHEM/BIO)
I am also a CNA at my hospital and I have been working for 2 years (500 hours+).
I also am part of the special Olympic soccer team and I am coach for this season.
I shadow the doctors in my hospital (8O hours).
My current standing GPA is 3.97
My major is Biochemistry
I did do research in high school but I don't think that counts anymore.

What I am doing my junior year

I am trying to get some research in but it is tough since I don't know where I should start looking.
I will try and get more volunteer hours since I don't think I have enough.

If you guys could give me some feedback and support that would be great.

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Is your school large or small? I emailed professors and asked to speak with them about their work and honestly just demonstrating interest in what they do can go a long way. And even if they don't have positions available I'm sure they can point you in the right direction.

Great job in the mcat/GPA, keep it up and add some research or whatever other ECs your passionate about and I don't see why you wouldn't be set for any medical school with stats like those!

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Is your school large or small? I emailed professors and asked to speak with them about their work and honestly just demonstrating interest in what they do can go a long way. And even if they don't have positions available I'm sure they can point you in the right direction.

Great job in the mcat/GPA, keep it up and add some research or whatever other ECs your passionate about and I don't see why you wouldn't be set for any medical school with stats like those!

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Same. I walked over to a neuroscience professor who had a lab and asked to be a part of it. I expressed my goals and interests, and he hooked me up. For my latest research project, which was actually an independent project I came up with, I emailed a professor I really clicked with and asked him to be an advisor. That simple.