Late MCAT, Early Application.

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Jan 22, 2012
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what up players,

i'm signed up for the may 30th mcat - not too late i hope! but I wanted to confirm my strategy for an "early application"

1. may 1st - send all my stuff over to amcas - transcripts, letters, ecs, work on ps, etc

2. june 1st - should I apply to JUST 1 school to get "verified" or is it better to go ahead and select ALL the schools i plan to apply to (all low-mid tier)?

3. june 30th - mcat scores come out. (select other schools if havent selected already)

4. came across this "You should not send LORs before getting secondaries. Most schools frown on that." here:

is there any truth to that? i already have all my letters in interfolio - should I just assign my letters when I select the schools or wait till i get a secondary from them?


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what up players,

i'm signed up for the may 30th mcat - not too late i hope! but I wanted to confirm my strategy for an "early application"

1. may 1st - send all my stuff over to amcas - transcripts, letters, ecs, work on ps, etc

2. june 1st - should I apply to JUST 1 school to get "verified" or is it better to go ahead and select ALL the schools i plan to apply to (all low-mid tier)?

3. june 30th - mcat scores come out. (select other schools if havent selected already)

4. came across this "You should not send LORs before getting secondaries. Most schools frown on that." here:

is there any truth to that? i already have all my letters in interfolio - should I just assign my letters when I select the schools or wait till i get a secondary from them?


I'm not sure about your other questions. I'll let more qualified people answer but as far as #2, it depends on how confident you are that you'll score well on the MCAT, most say to just do 1 in case you bomb it and need to retake and then you want have all your schools evaluating your score on the first MCAT and not waiting for the next one. It just depends on how you're feeling about it. I'd say just to apply to 1 b/c it doesn't hurt you if you apply to just 1 first and the rest later, but it will hurt you if you apply to all at once and don't get the score you want on the MCAT.
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After you do #2 on your list, assuming your MCAT score is good, send your remaining primaries, assign your letters, and start to prewrite secondaries. I dont think adcoms look for your letters until they need them, so go ahead and get them sent. i sent my committee letter two weeks after my secondaries were complete. That would probably be frowned upon more than being early. If you prewrite all of you secondaries you'll be good to go.
I don't know what that page is talking about with respect to LOR's. You submit those when you submit your AMCAS. If it's referring to additional LOR's submitted after the fact to specific schools? You should have no reason to send those other than being waitlisted or not hearing from them for months... since you should have included those in your initial AMCAS.