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Jul 18, 2023
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Hi everyone!

I was fortunate enough to get into dental school! For the longest time I’ve always heard that dental students and medical student were able to get loans that DID NOT accrue interest during school. What loan is this and how can I apply for this loan?

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Not all schools have this. It is a federal loan managed by the school, and it is possible to direct consolidate under federal programs. Not only interest free, you have 1 year grace period, which interests will not accrue either. It is set at 5% interest afterwards.

You need to contact your school's financial aid dept.
HPSL & LDS require parental income & asset information to determine eligibility.
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um the majority of loans you take out in dschool will have interest tacked on from the start.
HPSL and LDS is a good options, but don't stop there. Look into other financial aid options, scholarships, or grants to lower your education costs. A chat with your school's financial aid office can give you the inside scoop on what's best for your circumstances. From what I've seen, you can't find everything on the net and sometimes, it's good to just chat with administration of your school/college