LOR cover letter

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Mar 5, 2005
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does anyone know where the LOR matching form is on AADSAS?

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elz787 said:
does anyone know where the LOR matching form is on AADSAS?

Indicate the first and last name of each of your evaluators. You can enter as many names as you wish. If your evaluators are associated with a college or university, indicate the name of the institution. Indicate if the letter is a pre-dental committee report or if the letter is from an individual. After submitting your list of evaluators, you will be prompted to print a Letter of Recommendation Matching Form for each evaluator.
What if you don't plan to send your letters to AADSAS? Do you still need the matching form?
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Gurl21 said:
What if you don't plan to send your letters to AADSAS? Do you still need the matching form?

i believe so, but check with someone else - people don't trust me around here for some reason
"What if you don't plan to send your letters to AADSAS? Do you still need the matching form?"

Same question I have, anybody know?
shepherd said:
"What if you don't plan to send your letters to AADSAS? Do you still need the matching form?"

Same question I have, anybody know?

no. if sent directly to the schools they'll have it arranged by name, not number.