LOR Dilemma

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Jan 19, 2024
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How important is it to have LoRs from non-science/professors? I have LoRs from experiences where I was able to form a close relationship, but I don't have a LoR from a non-science professor, and unsure if my LORs from science professors count as they were my PI and academic advisor.

Current LoRs:
Academic advisor (who taught 1 science class) - her letter will likely be based on her role as an advisor.
Research PI (also taught 1 science class) - letter will likely be based on their role as a PI.
Resident Assistant boss - worked as an Resident assistant for 2 years
Global Medical Brigades coordinator - Worked closely with coordinator as president of college club to fundraise for an international brigade, I learned a lot from this experience and had a very positive relationship, but unsure whether to include if it would be looked down upon as medical tourism.
Shadowing doctor - Combined letter from doctors I shadowed as part of a special program.
Volunteering coordinator - Clinical volunteer at hospital
Premed Committee letter - School Premed department does a committee letter

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I had 5 letters total (2 science prof, 1 non-science prof, 1 research PI, 1 community service). This was the max number of letters for majority of my schools. IIRC, there were schools (Hopkins maybe?) that only accepted 3 letters MAX. I would cross-reference MSAR and the school's websites to make sure you know what they are looking for. Some require 2 science + 1 nonscience while others just want letters to showcase you as a person. Even then, I would make sure you have a solid handle on how many letters is okay. My undergrad did not do committee letters so I didn't have to worry about this but I have a feeling the committee letter may replace some of these requirements. All in all, you have a LOT of letters and I would expect you to be in a position where you have to do a lot of picking and choosing which ones you want to send.
Yes a prehealth advisory committee letter supersedes other specific letter requirements when collected individually, under normal circumstances. Check with the committee about how they handle solicited letters as attachments (or do they pull quotes). Go with the committee's requirements though communicate with them if most of your schools require specific letters (like 3 instead of 2 professor letters for whatever reason).

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