I know there are a lot of threads out there regarding re-applying as residents from one field to another, but many of them are out of date. And, more specifically, my questions pertain to the LOR's. This is the thing that unfortunately holds me back. I do, however, have the support of the VIP(s) that matter. As a candidate for residency applying as a medical student in the past, the rules were laid out clearly. As a resident now re-applying for another residency mid-way through a residency, well...not so clear. Do all LOR's need to be completely fresh and new again? What if I have the LOR(s) that matter but others are not so supportive of my decision regardless of how dedicated and good I've been as a resident (meaning, they do not see the point in my switching)? What about obtaining LOR's from pre-residency contacts (preceptors)? Thanks.