residency application

  1. L

    Flinders MD grads who went to US

    Hey all. I'm an American doing my MD at Flinders in Australia and was looking into the process of applying to residency back in the states. I am pretty early in my degree but only now I realized that US clinical experience/rotations are crucial for residency applications. I emailed my school...
  2. M

    Aiming for academic IM program

    As the title says, I will be applying to academic IM programs but without a step 2 score it is so hard to plan ahead. stats are 5/6 H in core rotations and 2 H in electives 3 basic science publications (1 first author), 1 more first author basic science in press 10 abstracts/ posters/ oral...
  3. C

    Which Boston Psych residencies requier medicine Sub-I's?

    I'm a 3rd year hoping to apply next year and just worried that some of the programs I'll be applying to will be out of reach because of needing med sub-I's. I go to a mid-low tier MD school but they don't offer many med sub-I spots and I'm kind of worried about my ability to bag one. Wanted to...
  4. C

    Opinions on Tufts and BU Psychiatry residency program?

    Looking for thoughts or opinions on these two programs. Don't know much about them, but I'm an interested third year hoping to apply to residency to them.
  5. Mr.Smile12

    MD & DO [JAMA] Leave of Absence and Medical Student Placement Into Graduate Medical Education by Race and Ethnicity

    Leave of Absence and Medical Student Placement Into Graduate Medical Education by Race and Ethnicity
  6. whatsthepoint

    M4 - Switching after applying to another specialty

  7. Cucumber Richard

    Ophthalmology Residency - What are my chances?

    Hello SDN community, I'm a third year med student who's recently been contemplating applying to an ophtho residency (TLDR - Feel free to skip intro to bullets for a summary of my app). I've been fairly set on psychiatry for most of my med school career for a handful of reasons chiefly ability...
  8. I

    Applying Ophthalmology- do I have a red flag

    Alright y'all I'm worried I'm applying to Ophtho this year, interviews went out last week (about 1/2 the programs have sent them out) and I have been getting crickets with no interviews at all. I'm worried I have a red flag in my app that I don't know about, or maybe I don't have a chance...
  9. LindaAccepted

    Medical All You Need to Know About Residency Applications and Matching

    You’re busy juggling med school and life, and if you don’t stay organized, one of those balls is going to come crashing down. Let’s take a look at what you need to do so you can stay focused, motivated, and completely on top of your juggling act. What are the Components of a Residency...
  10. U

    UMass Chan IM Program Virtual Open House 8/30 6pm EST

    Hi everyone, We're the chief residents from UMass Chan IM Program in Worcester, MA. We'll be hosting our virtual open house for all interested applicants on 8/30/23 at 6pm EST. We'll be talking about upcoming program changes, information for categorical and prelim applicants, program highlights...
  11. Peritus_Medicus

    Clueless MD/PhD Looking for Residency App Advice

    Hello - rising 2nd year MSTP student here. Apologies if this question has already been asked, but I'm looking for some advice on how to best use my *many* years in medical school to put me in the best position for residency since I have no idea what residency apps look like. (note: idk what...
  12. T

    4th year schedule for FM: auditions later, "fun" rotations earlier?

    I'm a DO student, currently working on my 4th year schedule. No failures or red flags. Passed step 1/ comlex 1 first attempt. Wanting to apply FM. I have secured 3-4 away rotations at residency programs but they are all later in my 4th year. Consequently the first part of my 4th year is open. I...
  13. C

    Residency Help!

    I am a Residency Program Director (PGY1 and PGY2) for 7 years and a clinical pharmacist. Recently I have received a few messages asking how I help pharmacy students get a residency interview without fear and uncertainty of the application process by utilizing my easy to follow residency...
  14. F

    Chances for ortho? - failed third block of MS1

    I'm an M1 at a mid-tier med school and I just failed one of my blocks (neuro). I am doing remediation in a month. MSK was my first and best block and everything went downhill from there due to some family and personal problems. Barely passed my second block (cardio and pulm) as well. I feel like...
  15. H

    Should you bother applying to top med-peds programs if you repeated a year?

    Hi! Posting here because I realized this would probably be the best place to hear from folks. I have seen posts that competitive specialties (derm, ortho, etc) are kind of out of the question if you repeated a year due to not passing exams. I was wondering if people think this holds true for...
  16. H

    Don’t Bother Applying to Top Med/Peds Residencies if You Had to Repeat a Year?

    I have seen posts that competitive specialties are kind of out of the question if you repeated a year due to not passing exams. I was wondering if people think this holds true for “top” residencies for med-peds, which is not as competitive and perhaps gentler to this kind of thing (the vibe I...
  17. M

    Dual Applied to FM and IM at same hospital and withdrew one. Have I totally screwed up my chances?

    I am dual applying this cycle for FM and IM. FM is my first choice but applied to IM as a backup as well. I mistakenly thought that you could dual apply to 2 specialties at the same hospital and just heard today that this is not smart at all so I withdrew my IM applications from those hospitals...
  18. M

    Chances of getting residency interviews or matching with a misdemeanor

    Hi, Everyone. I am applying for residency for the family medicine match 2023 circle. I had a misdemeanor conviction in 2019 for driving without car registration and insurance. the state doesn't expunge records. I have beaten myself up these past months for the terrible mistake and wanted to know...
  19. K

    Late Registration for NBEO Part III

    Today (05/04/2022) was the opening date for registering for the NBEO part III clinical skills exam at 9PM EST. For personal financial reasons, I wasn't able to afford the exam at registration time, and it is now 7 hours after the opening time for registration and I can already no longer find any...
  20. S

    Only 1 elective in PM&R. Am I in trouble?

    Due to personal circumstances along with my other M4 requirements, I may only be able to do 1 PM&R elective prior to applying for residency. I have had exposure to the field through research and a couple of conferences. I am planning on doing 1-2 more electives after submitting my application...
  21. D

    Choosing Residency Virtually

    Now that the interview season is coming to a close, how is the class of 2022 supposed to rank the best choices for themselves? I had a lot of interviews, and for most of them I felt great about the program and how I got along with everyone, but when I went to visit for a second look, I was less...
  22. Lifeblood_20

    How competitive is Radiology?

    Current M1. So far in med school I have just focused on passing and haven't done any meaningful research or started building up my CV for residency apps. From my still limited exposure, I feel that radiology may be a good fit. I was wondering how competitive it is and if research is very...
  23. Asclepius293

    Ability to Schedule Future Interview After Cancelling Past Freeze Date

    Hey all, I had something important come up on the same day of a scheduled interview. The freeze date on the ERAS self-scheduler has passed already, but I'm confused based on the ERAS user guide. It says that you can still cancel a scheduled interview date after a freeze date has passed. It...
  24. P

    How much does preclinical rank matter when the class average is fairly high?

    I'm an M1 at a lower mid-tier school with pass/fail with internal rankings (which determine adjectives on Dean's letter to residency). I score pretty consistently in the low-mid 80%s on exams, which I would feel pretty good about given the pass/fail situation, except for the fact that the class...
  25. N

    Thoughts on disclosing ADHD diagnosis in ERAS personal statement?

    I talked about about my ADHD in my personal statement. It's not the main focus, but I used it as an introductory point that sets the path to discuss cultural stigmas against mental health care, my desire to work with families, and the work ethic/skills I've developed as a result of my ADHD. Am I...
  26. E

    OBGYN Residency Program Fair

    There is a virtual residency fair for OBGYN residency applicants hosted by Education for All OBGYN. It is free and the only one of its kind this year. So far, 21 Programs from across the country are signed up, with more than 90 students planning to attend. You can find out more and RSVP at...
  27. reslmc

    Specialties that prefer field-specific research & M2 uncertainty

    Fresh MS2 here - I keep hearing M4's (and some M3's) saying to not worry about being unsure of a speciality choice. However, I know there are certain fields that would definitely prefer to see speciality-specific research going into residency (from what i hear some (not all) include...
  28. S

    >4 years to graduate from undergrad?

    I have a question, do residency programs care if I take more than 4 years to graduate from college, or are they more interested in my grades during med school?
  29. Welshman

    MD Surgical Sub + High Step 1, Risk Step 2 Score Drop or Delay?

    Hi everyone, I got some really great advice on away rotations a few weeks ago and wanted to hear some more opinions on my latest conundrum. Unfortunately, my school doesn't have any faculty from competitive specialties so their advice tends to be very superficial; I kid you not after presenting...
  30. Welshman

    MD Away Rotation Advice; No Home Program

    Hi everyone, I haven't been able to find much relevant advice for my specific situation, especially given COVID changes to the residency application process, so I thought I would ask here. I'm planning on applying to a small surgical subspecialty this year but unfortunately, my med school is a...
  31. Q

    Learning a 2nd language (French/Spanish)

    I have some extra time now, MS3, and have always wanted to learn a second language! For background, I'm interested in a US dermatology residency and spent considerable time building my CV early on, if that matters. I have time before I would apply. I've tried spanish multiple times and lost...
  32. H

    Deciding between Tufts Early Assurance Program or applying regular cycle

  33. P

    Position Swap Looking for PGY 2 spot on July 1, 2021.

    I am a PGY 1 Internal Medicine resident on an H1B visa in upstate NY with good standing in the program. I am looking for PGY 2 opening in any specialty which sponsors H1B. Preferably Internal Medicine Categorical program. Preferably northeast states. If anyone wants to swap. I am open. thanks...
  34. grichi

    How difficult is it to get into a residency program?

    Specifically in wildlife. (I must also specify that I’m a foreigner that will take the ECFVG and NAVLE) - I know most residencies require at least a 1yr internship. Is it also difficult to get into an internship? - Do you have any knowledge about requirements? - Any advice for building a fit...
  35. T

    My PASS app is gone?!

    I was checking my pass app today and the whole application is gone. Did this ever happen to any of you guys? I did not even save copy of my apps...
  36. T

    Great places in the States for applying a psych residency ?

    Hi here , I'm an American IMG trying to broaden my horizons on where in the states would be a good place to apply for a psychiatry residency . I've been told there are great programs in California but besides that I have no clue about any other place. Any tiny little bit of information would be...
  37. D

    IMG need advice/experience in prelim application & SOAP success rate

    I'm a non-US IMG, potentially no visa needed, with good scores (step1 255~260, step2 265~270, CS first pass) applying for neurology&radiology this year. YOG 4 years, has a bunch of first author publication in decent journals. Got some great interview invitations from advanced residency programs...
  38. F

    Wrong ERAS Dates

    So I just noticed that I made a date mistake on my ERAS application. I put the start date of my medical school a year later than I actually started.... my graduation date was correct though. Not sure what I should do now since I've already submitted the application and can't make any changes...
  39. optimist99

    How many LoRs to send - OBGYN application

    So I'm applying to OBGYN this cycle and can't decide how many LoRs I should send programs that say things like "a total of three (3) LoRs is required for final review" and "a complete application contains... three (3) LoRs including the dept chair letter." Does this mean I can't include a 4th...
  40. G

    New MS3 in need of help- interested in anesthesiology
