Low pre - dental overall GPA 2.69

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Apr 18, 2020
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I need real help. I got a few rejections from post bacc and master programs. I took the DAT and i got a 21 (And of course do plan on retaking it) but right now, I need to get it together and need real solutions. I've failed a few courses in undergrad, and retook them but still didn't do as well in them. Right now, I'm enrolled in physics, cell bio, and biochem and am on track for straight A's but that only brings my science gpa to a 2.5 (again i know its sucky BUT its accounting for the failed courses as well.) Do i focus on retaking pre-reqs or just take upper divisions? I've calculated and i would need to take 17 classes to get my ass to a science gpa of 3.0 which is just like wtf. so any real feedback is appreciated.

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I need real help. I got a few rejections from post bacc and master programs. I took the DAT and i got a 21 (And of course do plan on retaking it) but right now, I need to get it together and need real solutions. I've failed a few courses in undergrad, and retook them but still didn't do as well in them. Right now, I'm enrolled in physics, cell bio, and biochem and am on track for straight A's but that only brings my science gpa to a 2.5 (again i know its sucky BUT its accounting for the failed courses as well.) Do i focus on retaking pre-reqs or just take upper divisions? I've calculated and i would need to take 17 classes to get my ass to a science gpa of 3.0 which is just like wtf. so any real feedback is appreciated.

Whoa... your GPA is probably way too low for an SMP, especially if you haven't completed prerequisites yet. What feedback did you get from the program directors there on what you could do? I also hate to say this but you may have also wasted your time taking the DAT because it may take you longer than three years to reinvent your academic profile to be more desirable for dental school, so you may have to take the exam again. Please note a high DAT score will accentuate the disparity with your GPA.
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Whoa... your GPA is probably way too low for an SMP, especially if you haven't completed prerequisites yet. What feedback did you get from the program directors there on what you could do? I also hate to say this but you may have also wasted your time taking the DAT because it may take you longer than three years to reinvent your academic profile to be more desirable for dental school, so you may have to take the exam again. Please note a high DAT score will accentuate the disparity with your GPA.
The feedback I have gotten back from one post bacc is that I need to take more upper division science courses. I've finished all the pre-reqs and I know I wont be taking the DAT this year. If I take 8 classes this upcoming year, I can raise my science gpa to a 2.75 but then I'm not sure what to do from there. I've reached out to schools, just waiting for them to get back to me.
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I would want to know what goal you can set that would be appealing to a postbac program director. If you have more upper-division courses available to take, then say you can get a combined GPA in those courses of say 3.75+. If you can suggest that as a goal for you to show you can do well in a postbac or master's program, it would get my attention.
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I would want to know what goal you can set that would be appealing to a postbac program director. If you have more upper-division courses available to take, then say you can get a combined GPA in those courses of say 3.75+. If you can suggest that as a goal for you to show you can do well in a postbac or master's program, it would get my attention.
Hi Mr. Smile,
Will be applying this cycle and had some questions for you. The system wont let me PM you. Can we chat?
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Is there chance?? Yes... likely, no. I would seriously consider another route if I were you. Is it worth taking all those classes again with a chance of better grades and guaranteed loans to only have a shot at getting in and going to a school where you will continue generating loans easily exceeding 300K (lower gpa/stats means private and more $$$)? Starting dentists are making ~120k starting, maybe 150k if you are in a rural area. Be awhile before you can feel like you are making money. If you can say yes to that, then go for it and godspeed, otherwise get a job and climb the corporate ladder in another field.
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Is there chance?? Yes... likely, no. I would seriously consider another route if I were you. Is it worth taking all those classes again with a chance of better grades and guaranteed loans to only have a shot at getting in and going to a school where you will continue generating loans easily exceeding 300K (lower gpa/stats means private and more $$$)? Starting dentists are making ~120k starting, maybe 150k if you are in a rural area. Be awhile before you can feel like you are making money. If you can say yes to that, then go for it and godspeed, otherwise get a job and climb the corporate ladder in another field.

Let's not discourage people from chasing their dreams. You can pay your loans in 4-5 years.
Let's not discourage people from chasing their dreams. You can pay your loans in 4-5 years.
I'm being realistic. I said there is a chance, but not very high. DAT is solid, but won't offset a gpa that low and I believe most schools will automatically rule the application out. OP is getting rejections from masters and post baccs (which is what everyone seems to say to do when their grades are lower). At what point is it acceptable for someone to be real and tell them what no one else will and how much money should OP spend at overpriced schools for a low chance? 17 classes(not credit hours) worth?? I don't want to do that and I want to help OP in that regard by saying move on. OP could make very good money pursuing many career fields and helping others that doesn't envolve 4 years of dental school.

Have you done the math on paying loans in that time frame on a genden salary?

I don't want to stomp on anyones dreams, but I am sure there are those that dream of winning the lottery? Would you tell them to keep gambling at the slots when there is statistically a chance. I would tell them their money and time are better spent pursuing other goals.
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