Marquette University Post-Bacc BMPD 2019-2020

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Feb 23, 2019
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Hey! Starting this thread since there isn’t one yet.

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Do you know if the program will guarantee anything after finishing it? Like an interview or direct acceptance? Thanks!
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Thank you for your interest in our program. The program begins with the summer session. And how it works is, if you do well in the summer, meaning that your GPA is in the competitive range for dental school, you will receive an interview at Marquette's dental school in the fall. There is no guarantee of an interview after completing the program.

Let me know if you have any other questions


Dr. Maloney

This is what I got so the program will give you an interview in the fall if you met their summer requirements.
Did anyone get accepted into the program?
I also interested into this program as well. From the program website, they state that there should be interview into dental school with no gap year. Wonder how it works though.