MCAT and application questions as Non-traditional student with low GPA

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Apr 11, 2016
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Hello everybody! I am a 28 year old and thinking about applying to medical school. I wanted to become a doctor in highschool but I did not do as well as I hope in undergrad and thought that I should become more realistic and settle as a medical technologist. But after working for 4 years, I know that med tech isn't what I to do for the rest of my life and re-living my dream to become a doctor again.

Some background about me before I jump into some questions for you:
  1. Graduated in 2012 as a premed student.
  2. Cum uGPA: 3.11
  3. Been working as a medical technologist for about 4 years.
  4. I got Cs in Biochem and Ochem 2. Bs in A&P 1+2 and Ochem 1. Got As in all the clinical classes for my med tech program.
  5. I am hoping to get into a med school within 2-3 years

As you can see, my resume isn't very impressive. I am trying to boost it up by volunteering at a local children's hospital.

Questions that I have:
  1. I thought about retaking some classes such as biochem and ochem again. Do you think that is necessary?
  2. I have been out of school for a while so I am terrify of the MCAT because I have forgotten most of the knowledge I need after graduation. Do you think taking one Princeton course for MCAT would be enough?
  3. What are other extra curriculums I could do to make my resume more impressive?
Thank you for reading this post and please give me your honest opinions. :cat:

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