McGill v. UCLA v. Tufts for Pre-Med


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7+ Year Member
Apr 10, 2016
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Hey Everyone,

Here goes my first post on SDN! Just as a little background about myself: I'm a US resident from the Northeast/New England area and I'm hoping to end up at a medical school in the states. As the title suggests, I'm currently making my decision about where to go for pre-med and I have three very exciting but different choices. I've done research about each school, so here's a breakdown of my pros and cons:

Pros: Montreal/Francophone environment (I'm huge on French study, maybe even planning on majoring or minoring), active social scene and good campus vibe, rigorous but doable science courses, good reputation for East Coast medical schools, very affordable
Cons: Very large class sizes, could be difficult to establish a good rapport with professors because there are so many students, freakin' cold winters (not a huge deal since I'm from New England, but still...)

Pros: Huge medical center on campus, great student body and campus vibe, active campus (volunteering/other extra-curricular opportunities), the weather is unbeatable
Cons: Over-saturation of pre-meds leading to high competition (classes, research, et cetera), very expensive - comparable to Tufts, difficult to establish good connections with professors

Pros: Great community and student body, small classes (French AND pre-med), easy to get to know professors, abundant research and volunteering opportunities, proximity to Boston
Cons: the most expensive of all my schools, very close to home (20 minutes away from my high school), didn't really enjoy my touring there - the atmosphere seemed low-key but not very active

So those are my ideas about each of my choices, but I'd love to hear back from anyone that has any input about what I should do. All the better if you went to any of these schools, I'd love to hear your advice and/or the experiences you had there. Just as a side note: I've also been accepted to the University of Washington, Seattle, but I don't know much about its pre-med environment, or what it's like to be a student there. If you have any input or information about that, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thank you so much!

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Go with cheapest. Can you live at home if you go to Tufts?

Tufts I heard has plenty easy A courses plus it has a well-known name (2 good things for premed), so that would be my US choice.

McGill would be a better option if it definitely will be cheaper. It would be a great experience and is a well-known school again. Plus, it might give you a better chance of getting into McGill Med School which is a lot cheaper than many US med schools and would still allow you to match in the US).
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Tufts is much less competitive than UCLA for premeds and I'm pretty sure Tufts is better than UCLA for networking in most other fields (don't quote me on that). If you commute to Tufts, I would cross out UCLA
Tufts is much less competitive than UCLA for premeds and I'm pretty sure Tufts is better than UCLA for networking in most other fields (don't quote me on that). If you commute to Tufts, I would cross out UCLA
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be commuting to Tufts - but I do agree about the networking, especially since I plan on staying near/around the East Coast for medical school. Thanks for your response!
Go with cheapest. Can you live at home if you go to Tufts?

Tufts I heard has plenty easy A courses plus it has a well-known name (2 good things for premed), so that would be my US choice.

McGill would be a better option if it definitely will be cheaper. It would be a great experience and is a well-known school again. Plus, it might give you a better chance of getting into McGill Med School which is a lot cheaper than many US med schools and would still allow you to match in the US).

McGill is by far the cheapest out of all my schools, and Tufts is the most expensive. The difference in cost of attendance per year is nearly $40,000, and I'm not sure Tufts is worth that extra amount. Also, if I went to Tufts, I wouldn't be able to commute from home, so there would be the added cost of living/eating on campus.
McGill is by far the cheapest out of all my schools, and Tufts is the most expensive. The difference in cost of attendance per year is nearly $40,000, and I'm not sure Tufts is worth that extra amount. Also, if I went to Tufts, I wouldn't be able to commute from home, so there would be the added cost of living/eating on campus.
Oh Jesus Christ no. You don't want more than $40K in debt total for undergrad if you want to go to med school, let alone $40K per year. Get rid of Tufts
Oh Jesus Christ no. You don't want more than $40K in debt total for undergrad if you want to go to med school, let alone $40K per year. Get rid of Tufts
That's what I was thinking! It's ridiculous how much they charge per year.
Did they already award financial aid?
Yes, and from Tufts, I received next to nothing. McGill also very little, but the program I got into there was already very cheap in comparison (around 28k per year for cost of attendance).
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for all of your input, in the end I decided to go with McGill and am extremely excited to start there this coming fall!
Thanks again!
Hey Everyone,

Here goes my first post on SDN! Just as a little background about myself: I'm a US resident from the Northeast/New England area and I'm hoping to end up at a medical school in the states. As the title suggests, I'm currently making my decision about where to go for pre-med and I have three very exciting but different choices. I've done research about each school, so here's a breakdown of my pros and cons:

Pros: Montreal/Francophone environment (I'm huge on French study, maybe even planning on majoring or minoring), active social scene and good campus vibe, rigorous but doable science courses, good reputation for East Coast medical schools, very affordable
Cons: Very large class sizes, could be difficult to establish a good rapport with professors because there are so many students, freakin' cold winters (not a huge deal since I'm from New England, but still...)

Pros: Huge medical center on campus, great student body and campus vibe, active campus (volunteering/other extra-curricular opportunities), the weather is unbeatable
Cons: Over-saturation of pre-meds leading to high competition (classes, research, et cetera), very expensive - comparable to Tufts, difficult to establish good connections with professors

Pros: Great community and student body, small classes (French AND pre-med), easy to get to know professors, abundant research and volunteering opportunities, proximity to Boston
Cons: the most expensive of all my schools, very close to home (20 minutes away from my high school), didn't really enjoy my touring there - the atmosphere seemed low-key but not very active

So those are my ideas about each of my choices, but I'd love to hear back from anyone that has any input about what I should do. All the better if you went to any of these schools, I'd love to hear your advice and/or the experiences you had there. Just as a side note: I've also been accepted to the University of Washington, Seattle, but I don't know much about its pre-med environment, or what it's like to be a student there. If you have any input or information about that, that would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thank you so much!
Choose the one that saves you the most money