Medical Center versus Private / Jesuit Institutions

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5+ Year Member
Feb 20, 2017
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I'm incredibly excited to say that I have been accepted to both Regis University and University of Nebraska Medical Center!

This is an incredibly hard choice for me... as they both have pros and cons in my mind.

The main factor that I think draws me to UNMC is the fact that it is embedded in a Medical Center with more interactions with other med professional students (MDs, PAs, Nurses, etc.). Is this legitimate? Do you think that it matters much in the end in becoming a fantastic PT to get this sort of interaction?

UNMC will be less expensive both as a school and in terms of cost of living.

Otherwise, Regis is pulling me based on my gut feeling (interview day), access to fun outdoors, and positive vibes I felt interacting with students.

Bonus question: Regis features 80 students per cohort... is this too much?! What types of things would you think about to make a decision about how large the cohort is?

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what did you end up doing? I may be in the same boat shortly at the same two schools