Midwestern - Downers Grove, IL

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Feb 16, 2009
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Anyone have an update on the progress of the new dental school at Midwestern's Downers Grove campus? Last I heard it is underway...Any idea of a completion date? Are they going to be accepting applications in 2010?


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Anyone have an update on the progress of the new dental school at Midwestern's Downers Grove campus? Last I heard it is underway...Any idea of a completion date? Are they going to be accepting applications in 2010?


i think they plan on opening in 2012, making apps coming in 2011.
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Yeah, according to most releases it appear their goal was to begin class 2011, but I think they have fallen behind schedule...so 2012 might be their new target. I just haven't seen or heard anything since that press release you referenced.
Why the hell are they starting a new dental school when Northwestern was derailed somewhat recently?
so they are accepting applications 2011? thats the year i am applying

the area is not a really viable location for a new dental school... it shouldve been place somewhere in rural Illinois.